
your well ahead of me in rising star haha im hoping today i finally reach level 30
My sunday is going good too thanks im just making some lunch then i will head out for a walk :) the weather is better today

Good luck :) I seem to remember that it is easier to level up when playing lessons.

Glad to know your days is going well. Enjoy the lunch and the walk :) It's bed time for me😊

i will look to do some lessons :) thanks for the advice. Thankyou :) i am glad you had a good day too hope you manage to get a good rest and enjoy the day tomorrow. Speak soon Goodnight

I learned it from other players :-) They usually share their strategies in their posts.

Thank you and it's now Monday for us here. Time is so fast!

finally level 30 achieved :)

Congrats! I reached 103 as well :-)