Incredibly OP Seraphine Support! - League of Legends

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

Hello dear followers, Incublus is back! About a week ago I wrote a post about burnout syndrome and things have gotten better since then. I've taken time for myself, watched things, played games and now I'm ready to go back. And by games I mean I've only played League of Legends and today I'm going to share one of those games with you.


League of Legends is a game that has been in my life in one way or another for every period of my life. I haven't played for a very long time, I would say about a year. I was playing TFT, but that is a different game for me. During this period of depression, I suddenly felt like playing and I had fun. I used to play League of Legends only to win and I used to get very angry when I lost. If you have played this game at some point in your life, you know what I mean. Bad teammates, trolling, smurf players on the other team. You lose and you can't do anything about it. In CS GO, if you play very well, you can kill 5 people, but not in LoL. It is very difficult to do that no matter how well you play. Especially if your teammates suck. Because the more they die, the stronger the opposing team gets. Anyway, I don't want to talk more about this, all I want to do is share with you a Seraphine game I played recently.

You can watch the video right above, but it's not a game without commentary because I wasn't feeling well enough to talk about it.

Like I said, I play this game for fun now and I've never played Seraphine before but out of a chest came the most beautiful skin of Seraphine. It was time for me to try this costume and I also had a chance to win a chest if I played well. She looks like a high school tiktoker hahaha.

At the beginning of the game, the opposing team entered our jungle and tried to steal the blue buff. This didn't go well for them and Sivir took first blood. The support on the opposing team must have been playing the game for fun because he was playing Singed support lol 😂.

The game was going so fast that I haven't seen a game like this in a long time. By minute 5 both teams had 4 points, which means 8 points in 3 minutes if you consider that the minions were in the lane at minute 2. Wow, that's a lot. The 8th kill of the game was my first kill. I punished Singed for playing too aggressive.

Normally the champions' lines don't change much in skins and I don't care much about it, but this skin has really great lines. I wish I had the game in English so I could show them to you, but I'm sure you can find them if you search for Seraphine quotes on YouTube. She says creative things and some of them are really funny.

We destroyed our opponent in a two-on-two game, but their teammates didn't leave them alone. Both jungle and mid lane often came to bot lane and tried to kill us. They did it for the first time in minute 13. They killed both me and Sivir.

I swear the action in the game never ends. I reached the end of this position and managed to keep my teammates alive. And we killed everyone on the opposing team. A total of 63 kills in 24 minutes? Man, I've never really seen a game like this before. I was there for half of the kills our team got and somehow got an assist or a score.

What makes this champion so powerful is that he has very high damage, he shields his teammates a lot, he has crowd control and he has a game-changing ultimate. In short, he has everything except mobility. This impressed me a lot. Normally, if your ADC gets caught by a Darius, he's dead. Which champion can save him? I don't think any of them can, but Seraphine can. Sivir didn't die in this position.

I will translate two of his lines for you, the first one is "don't forget to subscribe to my channel and like the video." That made me laugh hahaha. The other one is "I sing in 20 languages. Isn't that great and scary?" That surprised me too. How in 20 languages? Girl, how can you know 20 languages?

At the end of the game me and my minion army won the match 😂. Keep in mind that this was the first time I played this champion and if I remember correctly I got an S. So it shows that I played the game great. In my opinion, the opposing team was not very good, but still, to get an S with a champion you played for the first time, it has to be a really strong champion and I think Seraphine really is.

Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it. Do you play League of Legends? If so, have you ever played Seraphine before? Don't forget to leave your thoughts about this and my post in the comments. Have a great day!

Play More, Live More!


I'm a ADCarry main, but sometimes I play support and Seraphine is one of my main supports, good poke, good shield and sustain. Good job. Seraphine has almost everything.

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. She as everything and really good at most of them. She just doesn't have mobility and she will be super broken if she had this too haha.

It's been a while since I've heard anything about League of Legends, but from what I understand the seraphina is pretty much forgotten XD. Not even in the patch notes does the champion appear. Good thing the character is still very good and you played it very well.

Thank you dude. Seraphine has fallen out of favor lately, but a few patches ago she was one of the strongest champions in the meta.

I hope you're better with your exhaustion bro, it's something pretty screwed up, you deserved time for everything, it's great to rest.

I really don't understand anything about LoL, but it's great to see your post, hahaha, it's not my type of game, I think I told you, but I think it's great to see! It also seems that you dressed as a hero in this battle, come on, anyone would want to see you make a great game.

She is not acting like a warrior, she is acting like a trend youtuber 😂. Not every game for everyone but reading is still enjoyable. Thanks for your comment bro. I'm better already.

Sweet! Congratulations on the win, well deserved.
but 63 kills in 24 minutes
If i were to picture anything close will be a movie, massive use of skills and weaponry. Good going!🔥

Thank you so much. She is using her songs as a skill hahaha. She is brilliant.

I've never played league.... I know of a lot of buddies and people that do though 😂😂..

Seeing it now.. I love the graphics it's colour rich 😍😍..

You might wanna kill me but feel free to do just that 😂😂😂 im more of a DOTA 2 kind of guy😅😅😅

Man Dota 2 is like old fashion LoL. I don't know, I tried it but it's harder maybe because I'm playing LoL for years and know most things about it hahaha. Thanks for your comment dude.

I felt like LoL is harder for me too... But comparing them is stoopid in my opinion... Two different games actually...

It's never a problem my guy! Thanks for all your comments aswell... I probably get the most engagement from Hivegaming anyways😂😂😎😎

Yeah if you be active in Hive gaming that community gives you the feedback. Don't worry about it 😏

 2 years ago  

Your gaming character looks more of a model than a warrior, lol (lots of laugh, not league of legends) lol again.

It's nice to know that you're overcome with your depression. Did you get to meet your girl friend?

Yeah that's what I'm thinking too. She is a youtuber not a warrior 😅

Not yet I'll meet her next Monday.

The Seraphine is good, good mass control and acceptable damage, she is not my favorite champion but I admit her power hahaha.

Yes! She is something different. Thanks for your comment.

the most I like about Seraphine is his ultimate and his ap power, he is not very resistant but his power is worth gold.

Lo que mas que me gusta de Seraphine es su ultimate y su poder ap, es poco resistente pero su poder vale oro.

Yeah she is not a tank but she is a starrr. I liked her and I'm going to play her more often.

siempre he jugado dota, según dicen lol es como su competidor pero se ve agradable el juego creo que algún momento pensare en jugar este juego =)

Yeah I think they are very similar games too. I hope you play and like it dude.