Set 8.5 Has Arrived! TFT - League of Legends

in Hive Gaminglast year

Hello all, it's back to my favorite time of the year and guess what! Set 8.5 in TFT has arrived on the official servers and I can start experimenting with new compositions. I'm feeling pretty ambitious this set and I'm going to do my best to rank as high as I can. Maybe this is the set where I'll be a Challenger. Who knows? Let's move on to the game!


You can watch the video here, yes I know I have no commentary again, but my voice is bad at the moment. I think it's because I talked too much during the day. I will be more careful about this in the future. Enjoy the game sounds for now!

At the beginning of the game I didn't know which composition I was going to play, but my items, champions and augment selection screen convinced me that I should play a ability power composition. I still didn't know whether to play Hyper Roll, which means making 1-2 cost champions 3-stars, or if I would prefer carries like Neeko.

Carousels have also changed with the new set. Now sometimes there are 2 items on champions, sometimes there are eggs and sometimes there are items on tome of traits. I think this added a bit more fun to the game, if you can get the two items you want from the first carousel on the same champion, you can get a very advantageous position in the game.

I was average in the first 5 fights, the problematic thing is that I couldn't get a win or a loss streak. Your economy at the beginning of the game determines the course of the game. In the meantime, I started moving up to level 8 to try new champions like Neeko or Twisted Fate.

The 2nd augment choice was frustrating for me. I searched for an augment suitable for mages but never found one. For example, the Annie augment would have been perfect. I had 4 chances to refresh it, so in total 15 times I couldn't find 1 Annie augment. Still, this augment of Nilah is not bad at all. In the future I will tell you what advantage it gives me. Augment's feature; Nilah gains 45 ability power. At the start of combat, Nilah copies one of her items to the teammate next to her.

The middle game was terrible for me. Because look at my board, I don't have any 2 star champions haha. I wouldn't be lying if I said I was very unlucky. I also didn't find any good items, so that's a disadvantage. As long as you keep your items waiting, your opponents can destroy you. Be careful with this.

The last augment choice made me smile. Spellslinger heart might be the best option I can find here. This way I can play 6 Spellslingers, which I think is very powerful.

Normally I was thinking to go to level 8 and spend my gold there, but I'm very low on health and if I tried to go to level 8 I would be even lower and I might even die. I didn't want to risk that. I found one of the champions I wanted, even if it was hard, and Voila! I managed to activate 6 Spellslinger buffs at Level 7. I feel like my frontline is a bit weak, but hopefully it won't be a problem.

I made Neeko and Annie 2-stars and I felt my composition was strong. Something crazy happened and my opponent beat me with 1-star Warwick. Normally it's impossible but since the set is still new, many champions are unbalanced and sometimes absurd things like this happen. My next video might be Warwick so get ready haha.

I got to level 8 and this is my final composition. 6 Spellslinger and 4 Star Guardian buffs activated. So I should be pretty strong now. I told you I was going to tell you about Nilah. Nilah's buff makes her a good frontline tank because she heals more as she gains ability power and when she copies one of her items to one of the champions next to her, I get an extra tank item. Also, the Duelist buff activates which is very good for Twisted Fate. I also wouldn't have thought of activating 4 Star Guardian without this buff. So win win win!

I must say that it's also great for damage. I never thought he would be the champion with the highest damage output on my team, but there you have it! The damage dealt by 2 star Sona without items is also very good. Of course, the fact that the 6 Spellslinger buff is active plays a big role in this.

I HATE this champion! Viego! Get out of my life! How come he can come and beat me when I feel so strong? He really doesn't die and he does a lot of damage at the end of the battle. Annoying champion and @sydechan loves it.

I came to the brink of death and my opponent was the damn Viego composition. What did I do? I did what I had to do, I destroyed him. My champions became two stars and my items were very good. I had to spend my gold because 13 HP is a very critical HP. A loss means you die. As you can see, Neeko and Twisted Fate are a great duo.

My last battle was against this guy who used all 4 gold champions in an irrelevant way, you remember that. The enemy who beat me with his 1 star Warwick. But now I'm much stronger and I destroyed him! As you can see, I have 8 champions and 7 of them are alive. I think that means destruction haha.

That was my first first win in Set 8.5. If I have to talk a little bit about the composition, I think it's quite strong and I can even guarantee that you will be in the top 4 if there is no one else playing in the lobby. If I didn't have an unlucky game and could make my champions two stars in the midgame, I would have won already. Neeko's best items are Shojin's Spear, Jeweled Gauntlet, Hextech Gunblade. You can give Twisted Fate Guinsoo and other ability power attack speed items. It will work either way. Give your tank items to Annie and Ekko normally. But if you have Nilah augment like me, you can also use her as your main tank.

Thank you very much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. If you play TFT, which is your favorite comp? We can talk about these in the comments. Have a great day. Take care of yourselves very very well. See you soon!

Play More, Live More!


I see you're deep into league of legends these days! I really want to get back into Dota but I'm too busy with studies😂

The thing with these games are that you have to constantly "train" stay in practice... If you leave for a year you are going to get wrecked just jumping back in

I started playing Days Gone now and it is amazing! I like these offline games lately because it can be played with little effort whenever I wish

Yeah I love playing this game man. I hope you can find some time. You are right about practising, you need to play a lot and train always if you want to play good. In one year so many things change 😅

Share it and I can comment on it bro.

Laughs, too much can change in a year! Youd come back and find that one hero has a total different set of skills and preferred items to buy for that hero😂 I think that's why I don't play Dota anymore because I'd be buying outdated items!

I already shared the first of the series 😂 you can give it a comment if you wish! Going to try and share one each week although I need to continue with the witcher 3 as well


Alright I'll go check this one. I've already seen the game before but not from you 😅

 last year  

Personally, I haven't tested the Spellslinger yet, but I feel that Neeko is not at the level of Carry that Taliyah had, in my opinion, he needs to make a small buff. But I can see that you're breaking it brother aha.

I understand you, Viego is very annoying, only Sydechan likes him hahaha.


Bro, it's the most annoying champion in the game but anyway...

Yeah just a small buff will be perfect for Taliyah, like some damage increase right? But as you can see it's still strong 😎

Impossible not to love Viego when he never disappoints me, I hope you like Viego with heart, Solar Cape and Ionic Spark, it's total bullshit.


No I've never like it. It's the most annoying champion in this set imo with Yuumi 😂

Whenever I see the crazy compositions that you get to do in the tft makes me want to play, but then when I enter I do not understand anything, I'm one of the first to be eliminated and I'm annoyed hahaha.

Man, first of all this game needs a lot of practising. So do not disappoint too fast. Just continue to practise and you'll win soon.

Thank you very much for the support, even if I would like to play more because I like the game a lot, but I have enough time to play one game at the most.

Of course you are going to get to Challenger, I am confident that you will be the king, LUCK, and the gameplay is hot, good play, although you were on the edge, very good play. <3

Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm doing my best as always.

 last year  

So completely random question, How many hours have you spent till now playing this game? In triple digits?

With League of Legends yeah probably 3 digit haha. But I'm not sure with only TFT. It can be 90 maybe


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