The Deadly Kiss From Ahri - League of Legends

in Hive Gaminglast year

Hello all, I love posting my game videos and I've always tried to share different things with you. I'll try to keep it that way from now on. It's possible that my game videos will decrease a bit in the future because I have some projects related to Hive. I can work on those. Anyway, without further ado, let's jump into the game!


You can find the game video here. Unfortunately I won't have any commentary because it was late at night and I couldn't speak. You can be sure there will be more commentary videos coming soon.

I haven't tried a lot of new things in mid lane for a long time, so I decided to play Ahri. This champion has really good mobility. After level 6, it's very easy to both catch and escape your opponents. You just have to play a bit carefully until that point.

Since I'm not a high tier player, there was some early action in the game. We fought the opposing team before the minions arrived and we won. It's always good to get first blood because starting the game ahead helps a lot to take the lead. Starting with an extra sword or a ability power item will help you win the lane. Even though I didn't get the kill, I think it will work.

I was a bit scared when I saw that I was facing AP Gragas. Because the laning phase of this champion can be very strong. He can poke you from far away and his abilities will keep his health up. You always have to be careful with this big guy and as long as he doesn't hit you with his belly, you're safe. Of course, my abilities are very good at poking and if he uses his E badly, I can kill him.

The early game was a bit painful for me. Because the enemy jungler kept coming to gank the mid lane. They couldn't kill me and that was an advantage for us but it was frustrating. I felt like he could come out of nowhere at any moment.

After level 6, I sent a surprise kiss to my opponent. I knew that I could kill him under the tower if I hit this ability and I did. Because I realized that my opponent was a bad player. Normally, what I did is very risky because if he hits E and throws me under the tower with his ultimate, he can escape and I will die, but I believed in myself.

I attacked my opponent when he wasn't expecting it and killed him again. It might look like Hecarim helped me here but if you watch the video you can see that he didn't do anything haha. Gragas was already dead when he arrived.

My teammates kept getting mad at me throughout the game about following the map. I was already following the map and I chose not to go to a few places where we were at a disadvantage because even if I went there we would lose. Then I listened to them and went to help and I died. The lesson here is don't always listen to your teammates because they can be stupid. If Riven hadn't come here, this battle would have been a disaster and we could have lost the game.

Team fights started in the mid-game. We won most of them with an advantage because we were superior to the opposing team. There is something I want to point out in this part of the video. If you see the opposing carrier in a bad position like this, don't hesitate to pull the trigger. In this game Samira was the strongest player on the opposing team and after Blitzcrank caught her, the whole team jumped on her and killed her. That's the way it should be. After killing her, the rest of the team can't do much.

Then we went to get the baron, the enemy team didn't even attempt to come here and then, interestingly they tried to fight us. Of course, we clearly won the battle and when we killed them all, only Hecarim was dead.

Then we saw the Victory sign again, which we see a lot these days. As long as you win in this game, it can be the most enjoyable game in the world haha.

Here is the damage graph. Even though my teammates are not very happy about my performance, I think I did a great job and I am one of the top 3 damage dealers in the team. And there are very small differences between us, so I could have easily been the highest damage dealer.

If I want to give my general thoughts about the champion, E ability is very important for this champion. When you get that ability and charm your opponent to you, you can easily kill them with your teammates. You should be careful against assassin champions in the laning phase because if you die a few times until level 6, they will continue to kill you after that level because their damage increases a lot.

Thank you very much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to follow me for more game content. I would also appreciate it if you could leave your thoughts about my content in the comments. Have a great day!

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Very nice game my friend! The teamfight in the 18 minute was very favorable for you and the Hecarim, very good spot to fight. From then on it was only suffering for the other team. Gragas is a fearsome champion for resisting like a tank with magic damage builds, but you also have to run it clean or almost perfect for a good Gragas to work in a game.

Yeah, you're right, after that team fight, it was like it was over.
You also need to play well with a champion like Gragas. Otherwise you will have a hard time in mid lane and jungle.

Ahri has always looked very sexy to me. I really liked this skin, but my favorite is the Arcade Ahri skin. 😳


Yeah she is and Arcade Ahri is one of my favorites too, all of her skins are good I guess 😳

Ahri is cute for sure. @tipu curate 6

Thank you so much for your support man, yes she looks really cute 😊

 last year  

Ahri may be very pretty but I hate to face her online, she has a very good skill kit and with the rework, to her Ultimate, she became more complicated to stop.


That's really good while playing but I don't want to think about playing as opposite haha.

Yay! 🤗
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