My Holozing Journey update part 1

in Hive Gaming5 months ago

Hey Guys its me again @itcouldbecloud

So i wanted to give an update on my ourney on this game of awesomeness #Holozing

My Holozing Journey (1).png

I started my journey 23 days ago i firstly purchased 18 Posh tokens from Hive engine and delegated 15 hive power. Trust me if i had more i would be delegating more to the holozing game. The current APR for delegating hive power is still pretty good at around the 44 percent mark. The posh token holder APR reward is at a rate of 182% which is brilliant. I so wish i had more of that token.
So the big question is what have i accumulated in my 23 days?
I have accumulated 47.60 HoloZing tokens which is staked and compounding at a rate of of 81.56% APR. I think thats brilliant. My goal is to hit a 100 HoloZing tokens and i will be very happy with that. Anything after that well thats a huge bonus in my eyes.
So what are you waiting for? this game is going to be huge in my opinion.
If your not already involved with HoloZing i feel your missing out but please always do your own research when it comes to investing.
Thats it from me folks have a great weekend


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