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RE: Easiest Game I've Ever Played - League of Legends

Uno de mis mejores amigos siempre ha jugado a esto y sinceramente debo decir con la mano en el corazon QUE SOY REALMENTE MALO, algun dia me animare a intentar jugar otra vez xD Mi otro amigo juega Heroes y soy menos malo ahi xD

One of my best friends has always played this and I must honestly say with my hand on my heart I AM REALLY BAD, one day I will dare to try playing it again xD My other friend plays Heroes and I am less bad there xD


Bro just try it haha. We are not pros too, just having fun as always. I'm sure if you play for a month you will play better than me(no, you will not but just trying to encourage you 🤣)