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RE: It Takes Two Is A Fantastic Co-op Multiplayer Game

in Hive Gaming5 months ago

Un feliz año nuevo, yo tambien la pase asi en casa, en pijama y viendo los fuegos artificiales por la ventana, que gusto ver que otras personas tienen gustos parecidos en estas fechas :)

Este juego me recuerda uno que probe con mi esposa (ella estando embarazada, fireboy and watergirl), el cual tienen que pulsar botones para que otro pase y esquivar charcos de agua y fuego :) me hiciste recordar mucho a ese, por lo que voe fomenta mucho el trabaj oen equipo, eso es clave junto a una buena comunicacion :)
A happy new year, I also spent it like this at home, in my pajamas and watching the fireworks through the window, it's nice to see that other people have similar tastes on these dates :)

This game reminds me of one that I tried with my wife (she was pregnant, fireboy and watergirl), which has to press buttons for another to pass and avoid puddles of water and fire :) you reminded me a lot of that one, so I voe It encourages teamwork a lot, that is key along with good communication :)


I've heard about the fireboy and watergirl game but never tried it. I hope you get to play this one day.