Zagara, threat or ally? Kerrigan's Revenge

in Hive Gaming2 months ago



Hello gamers friends, welcome to one more adventure, this time I wanted to start with sc2, sharing with you a little about my progress in the story mode and learning to play with this race as adaptable and deadly as the Zerg, we took Kerrigan to the planet Carbonis where the Terran enemies were grouped, but before facing them I have to get a powerful ally and continue gathering my hive.



In this part we have to fight with a mother colony called Zagara, her strategy was not all bad since she sacrifices her armies to defeat the enemy in a kamikaze act, making her larvae evolve and explode into powerful corrosive acids.


The mission consisted of gathering as many larvae as possible before Zagara destroys us, this in order to have an even larger army to destroy her base as quickly as possible, however, when I killed Zagara they appeared in her hive soon after, that gave me a gap of a few minutes to reorganize my army and continue gathering larvae, making them evolve and finally make them explode against her base.



By defeating her I was able to claim her colony, new evolutions and a new possible ally, although possibly she was just waiting for the right moment to take over the swarm and take control of everything.




Having Zagara and her hive at my command I set out to wipe out the Terran forces of General Horace Warfield, this part of the game made me nostalgic as I remembered the combined efforts of the General and Raynor to save Kerrigan, however, to no avail as Raynor is dead and the General was still in command of the dominion army.




In this new mission I had a pretty bad time, since a sufficiently large and powerful cruiser approached my base every so often and with it armored units that destroyed the expansion of my domain across the map.


The only victorious way out was to place tumors near void nests so that it would destroy the ship and be able to reach the enemy base.



I had to make several modifications to the units from the Leviathan to make them more efficient in this map and with a lot of luck I was able to reach the enemy base, to start the real assault.


After several attempts and after saving and loading the game, I was able to find the weak points and the Zerg research needed to improve Kerrigan.


Kerrigan Upgrades


This next map would be the final assault against the Terrans on this planet and knowing that the Terrans use most of the time armored units, tanks and soldiers I put the power of KINETIC BLAST, which is to explode a unit, together with CRUSHING GRIP I could get rid of armored units and some tanks, but without a doubt one of the great improvements that Kerrigan has is to IMPROVE SUPREME MASTERS, as this allows me to make units faster without having to spend so much time creating these supreme masters.




One of the aspects that I liked the most about this map was the beginning and that is that every hero (or anti-hero), needs an enemy to the height so he can get the best of him (her in this case), trying to dodge and neutralize nuclear bombs that the enemy threw me very close to the base, I made my way to his, in a war of attrition (which is not the most appropriate) I could break through their defenses and reach the core of the base to blow it up.




This part cost me a lot, since I had to protect 3 bases from enemy attacks, even so and after they eliminated one base I was able to reach the core of the enemy and destroy it.




One of the things I like most about this game are the different problems that you can get to put in a map, not only for the difficulty level (which is the maximum) is also for the strategy that follows and the different maneuvers you must do to get to discover the full story of this wonderful game, in this campaign we accompany Kerrigan in her revenge. After the battle I was able to access a cinematic that left me a lot to think about where Kerrigan corners and kills General Warfield, but at the same time shows mercy to the people who wanted to escape from the planet, always making Warfield believe that she is a being without feelings.



General: How many innocents did you kill? How many more have to die? What if Raynor could see you now?


Dominion officer: General! the Zerg have retreated! it's a miracle! WE WILL MAKE IT! GENERAL?


Thank you very much for stopping by, if you want to support me don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share, see you later adventurer.

All screenshot were taken by me




Hola amigos gamers, bienvenidos sean a una aventura más, en esta oportunidad quise empezar por sc2, compartiéndoles un poco sobre mis avances en el modo historia y aprendiendo a jugar con esta raza tan adaptable y mortífera como son los Zerg, nos llevamos Kerrigan al planeta Carbonis donde los enemigos terran se agrupaban, pero antes de enfrentarme a ellos tengo que hacerme de una aliada bastante poderosa y seguir reuniendo a mi colmena.



En esta parte nos toca pelear con una madre de colonia llamada Zagara, su estrategia no estuvo del todo mal ya que sacrifica a sus ejércitos para derrotar al enemigo en un acto kamikaze, haciendo que sus larvas evolucionen y exploten en potentes ácidos corrosivos.


La mision consistia en reunir la mayor cantidad de larvas antes que Zagara nos destruya, esto con el fin de tener un ejercito aun mayor para destruir su base lo mas rapido posible sin embargo, cuando mataba a Zagara esta aparecian en su colmena al poco tiempo, eso me daba una brecha de unos minutos para reorganizar mi ejercito y seguir reuniendo larvas, haciendolas evolucionar y finalmente hacerlas explotar contra su base.



Al vencerla pude reclamar su colonia, nuevas evoluciones y una nueva posible aliada, aunque posiblemente solo esperaba el momento adecuado para hacerse con el enjambre y tomar el control de todo.




Teniendo a Zagara y su colmena a mi mando me dispuse acabar con las fuerzas Terran del General campo Guerra, esta parte del juego me dio nostalgia ya que recordé los esfuerzos combinados del General y Raynor para salvar a Kerrigan, sin embargo, de nada sirvió pues Raynor esta muerto y el General aún seguía al mando del ejército del dominio.




En esta nueva misión la pasé bastante mal, ya que un crucero lo suficientemente grande y poderoso se aproximaba a mi base cada cierto tiempo y con él unidades blindadas que destruían la expansión de mi dominio por el mapa.


La única salida victoriosa era poner tumores cerca de nidos de Azotes para que destruyeran la nave y poder llegar a la base enemiga.



Tuve que hacer varias modificaciones a las unidades desde el Leviatán para volverlas mas eficientes en este mapa y con mucha suerte pude llegar a la base enemiga, para comenzar el verdadero asalto.


Luego de varios intentos y después de salvar y cargar la partida pude conseguir dar con los puntos débiles y las investigaciones Zerg necesarias para mejorar a Kerrigan


Mejoras de Kerrigan


Este próximo, mapa seria el asalto final contra los Terran en este planeta y sabiendo que los Terran utilizan la mayoría de las veces unidades blindadas, tanques y soldados me puse el poder de EXPLOSION CINETICA, el cual consiste en hacer explotar una unidad, junto con AGARRE APLASTANTE podría deshacerme de las unidades blindadas y alguno que otro tanque, pero sin duda una de las grandes mejoras que tiene Kerrigan es MEJORAR LOS AMOS SUPREMOS, ya que esto me permite hacer unidades más rápidamente sin tener la necesidad de gastar tanto tiempo en crear estos amos supremos.




Uno de los aspectos que mas me gustó de este mapa fue el principio y es que cada héroe (o anti héroe), necesita un enemigo a la altura para que pueda sacar lo mejor de él (ella en este caso), tratando de esquivar y neutralizar bombas nucleares que me lanzaba el enemigo muy cerca de la base, me hice paso hacia la suya, en una guerra por desgaste (la cual no es la más adecuada) pude abrirme paso entre sus defensas y llegar al núcleo de dicha base para hacerla explotar.




Esta parte me costó bastante, ya que tuve que proteger 3 bases de los ataques enemigos, aun asi y luego de que me eliminaran una base pude llegar al núcleo del enemigo y destruirlo.




Una de las cosas que más me gusta de este juego son las diferentes problemáticas que te pueden llegar a poner en un mapeado, no solo por el nivel de dificultad (el cual es el máximo) es también por La estrategia que le sigue y las diferentes maniobras que debes hacer para llegar a descubrir la historia completa de este maravilloso juego, en esta campaña acompañamos a Kerrigan en su venganza. Luego de la batalla pude acceder a una cinemática que me dejo mucho en que pensar donde Kerrigan acorrala y mata al General Campo Guerra, pero al mismo tiempo demuestra PIEDAD ante las personas que deseaban escapar del planeta, siempre haciéndole creer a Campo Guerra que ella es un ser sin sentimientos.



General: ¿A cuantos inocentes mataste? ¿Cuántos mas tienen que morir? ¿qué pasaría si Raynor pudiera verte ahora?


Oficial del dominio: General! ¡los Zerg retrocedieron! ¡es un milagro! ¡LO LOGRAREMOS! ¿GENERAL?


Muchas gracias por pasarte por aquí, si quieres apoyarme no te olvides de Votar, Comentar y Compartir, hasta luego aventurero.

Todas las capturas fueron tomadas por mí


 2 months ago  

Man, this video game is amazing, I didn't know that this installment had such amazing graphics, it really has a very good story, it's interesting. The only thing I got to play about this video game were its old installments, in fact, the first ones that came out

There have been some pretty big changes in terms of graphics, units and skill strategies in terms of what the new ships and soldiers can do, definitely a pretty significant improvement :) if you can try it.

This game is absolutely amazing! Although I think I should skip the post since I've never really finished the game! I have a track record for that! For not finishing games I actually like! I did the same with FarCry!

Although this I need to get back onto!!!

You could always watch a "cinematic movie" compilation video on youtube. The gameplay itself might have a little dialogue but mostly it won't impact your ability to understand the story. Just try to find one that doesn't cut out the major conversations within the stages and you're golden. That is of course unless you want to experience the story first hand. But if your track record isn't to finish games even when you like them it's always an option. I'm like that too. I think so far the only games I've ever been religious about finishing are Genshin right now and Pokemon back when I was a kid haha

If you like strategy and a very good story I recommend it 100% you will not waste your time :)

Wow it's been a while since I've seen StarCraft II. Zagara is definitely more of a threat but that doesn't mean she isn't an ally. The way the Zerg operate they follow strength up until they can surpass that strength. That way the Zerg are always led by the most powerful leaders who can secure essence for them. In this system there's no such thing as our human concept of loyalty but at the same time the Zerg are pure. The only thing they care about is essence so all you have to worry about is getting a constant supply and to always be the one with the most supply to have the most power.

One day Zagara will be replaced as well and it also won't be considered a betrayal by whoever it is that kills her.

What a great concept of the Zerg you have and certainly the most accurate :) I did not think to find someone who thought so :)

Haha I'm a StarCraft fan from way back. I still remember when the first game came out and then I also bought the companion book that talked about the backstory with the Xel'Naga descending and uplifting the Protoss and Zerg. It was really cool stuff. The way they expanded it with StarCraft II was amazing.

You are the second person I know who likes sc2 this way :) I feel less lonely now hahahaha, thanks for reading greetings.