I wish I may, I wish I might... I wish for my very own holodeck! To appear tonight. β­οΈπŸŽ„

in Hive Gaming β€’ 2 years ago


I wish I may, I wish I might... I wish for my very own holodeck! To appear tonight. πŸŽ…πŸŽ„β­οΈ

Well, not tonight per se, but in the near future of Christmas morning!

If I woke up on Christmas morning to find a strange new door in my house that led to a bonafide holographic gaming room similar to the holodeck in Star Trek, I would be the happiest person in the world.

Source. (the only CC-licensed holodeck-ish image I could find, ugh!)

You see, I've never really gotten into the whole Virtual Reality craze that consumes many gamers. I don't want to wear a weird headset and be confined to a tiny area. It's not "virtual reality" to me until it actually becomes a virtual reality.

I've also never been much of a Trekkie, but I did enjoy the Voyager series and that's where I first saw the great holodeck and wished and wished that maybe one day current Virtual Reality technology could transform into that amazing technology from the show.

What games would I play in this amazing holographic environment?

A mage I created in Dragon Age: Origins before the game kept crashing. Stupid modern hardware not playing well with old games.

When I first wished for this construct, it was back in 2010. I lived in the world of Dragon Age and nothing would have pleased me more than having a Dragon Age program inserted into a holodeck-styled room.

I would swing my sword across Thedas! Destroy the Blight! Be best friends with Morrigan and lovers with Alistair! AND! I'd probably have never turned the program off and returned to the real reality, and I probably would've withered and died from dehydration and starvation... unless, of course, the food and drink in the virtual realm could actually be ingested. πŸ€”

If that was the case. I would never leave. Ever. Goodbye Earth, I barely knew ye.

World of Warcraft, Project ASCENSION style! My screenshot, my mage enjoying the actually-populated city.

As well as immersive single player games, I think MMORPG's would absolutely thrive in a "holodeck" environment! Actually fighting great enemies alongside your friends. I think raiding and dungeons would certainly be a lot more enjoyable, hell, I'm usually a healer in these games -- maybe people will finally get out of the damned fire! 🀣 And actually dodge attacks! And interrupt incoming blows! Ohmygosh! It would be fantastic.

I'm not quite so sure about switching gear whilst in public... ooh, I'll just take this chest piece off, flash everyone, then put my new chest piece on, ooooh. But overall, I think a virtual reality holodeck-based MMO would be the best idea ever.

Maybe more Elder Scrolls Online or FFXIV than World of Warcraft though. But I'd be happy with any of them. ALL OF THEM! 😁 I would be a master of worlds! Jumping into each and every new environ with new abilities, new creatures to call my pets, and a home in every realm.

It would be glorious.


And so, Dear Santa, as you can see,

A holo-room in my house, would make me very happy!




πŸŽ„ Merry Christmas everyone!

May all your Christmas Gaming Wishes come true! ⭐️



One image already sourced, two screenshots my own, BUT, my header image is a mish-mash of four CC0 images from Pixabay. You can find them here, here, here, and here!

Sort: Β 

I swear if I could I'd build myself the coziest home with the most beautiful views in Minecraft and no one would ever see me again HAAHAHAHAHAH.

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Oh, hell yes! I didn't even think of Minecraft while writing this up. That'll be in my program list too for sure!! πŸ˜…

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

It would be crazy to interrupt and dodge attacks in WoW for real, I think that could make MMOs awesome, it would bring people closer together and be something much more immersive. I haven't had too much experience in virtual reality myself, but I think it's somewhat close to the future. Awesome wish!! Merry Christmas. πŸŽ…

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

I hope it's somewhat close to the future, that would be so amazing!! 😁 Of course only the super rich would be able to afford it... but one day... ~wishes~

Merry Christmas! πŸ˜„πŸŽ„

It's all fun and games until the safety protocols break down and the holonovel characters become sentient.😁

Are you sure you don't want SCP-826 instead?

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

That would make for some epic gameplay! πŸ˜‰

There was an episode in Voyager as well where the characters became sentient. It was one of my favourite episodes actually! πŸ˜„

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Such a unique wish but I love the idea. It would be really amazing to experience things like that in real life.

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Guau, amigo es muy buena idea. La cantidad de cosas que se podrΓ­an hacer en esa sala

Maybe sooner than we think, virtual reality games will be more common than we expect, but it is true that it would be confining us more and forgetting the real world, much like we have seen in series or movies!

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

I personally think it would be fantastic! But can see the downside too,... πŸ˜… "holo addiction" would be through the roof.