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RE: Starbound — a hardcore survival adventure

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

For me it was more, "Terraria but in space!" xD

You should definitely try this again, it's one of the best sandboxes I've ever played. My one gripe with it is that they ruined the hotbar. Instead of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 like every other game of this type, they changed it to 6 slots and Left and Right hand. Hard to explain unless you actually see it.

(and my only other gripe was the framedrops I was getting also, but that's been fixed with the 32 bit client, so hooray!!!)

Hope you get your new pc fixed soon.

Cheers! My motherboard was dead on arrival so had to return it... still waiting for them to begin processing my return. 😑😑😑

 2 years ago  

oohh. will check it out then.