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RE: Video Games and their impact during Covid | Los videojuegos y su impacto durante el Covid | Eng-Esp

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

There’s an old saying, the family that games together, stays together.

My partner and I game together, and my son and I play Minecraft together and occasionally when I'm feeling particularly gracious, I'll deign to play Roblox with him too. Ugh. Roblox. 😂🤣

Times change! When once families would play Monopoly together and get all cranky at the person owning Mayfair and charging ludicrous hotel fees, now they play videogames. There are still a lot of people out there that will say, "Eugh, they play videogames? How antisocial. I bet they don't even talk to eachother. I bet they don't have lives. Nerds." but that's a stereotypical, simple-minded thought and is just not the case.

I find that most families around my age are exactly the same too. They all play games together as a family, as partners, as parent-and-child.

As for Covid Related Gaming. It only makes sense. People are stuck at home all the time. They've never been in this position before. "What do I do? What do other people do? This is so boring. I've watched everything on Netflix. I need something to do!!" people who have only ever dabbled with games on their phones needed something more and they found it. I've been on Final Fantasy XIV and seen people talking about how this is the first MMO and first PC game they've ever played and it was thanks to Covid. I saw a few people saying the same thing in New World too, actually. A pity that game didn't really turn out though...

Sorry, I've babbled enough! 😅 You've written a very thoughtful post!!


Babbling is good! I always enjoy hearing other people's experiences/opinions on the things I post. And I know what you mean about people saying "Eugh, they play videogames?" Hell, my mother still thinks it's only a phase I'm going through and that video games are for children, yet she'll sit down and play those mobile puzzle games they have on fb xD