Retro Gaming Blogging Chllenge: The first portable console

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Hello, today I present to you my portable console and I know it is a fake, but it is the first console with "various games" in my home.


The console is over 20 years old and I once bought it at a stall for PLN 20 (about $ 5) 20 years ago there was no internet and portable nintento games were not within my reach (later I was able to buy a gameboy advence) so I bought a console with 9999 games (of course, there are a lot less games here, around 15 and the rest are different game hacks.






The console has a very weak black and white LCD screen, although the glass screen is a plus.



The buttons are not very intuitive and I really know how I could go through a given map and how the buttons work There is no reaction when pressed, the console works on two R6 batteries, currently there are many such consoles or very similar to alieexpress, but mine comes from these time zones where, at least in Poland, a young man could have a certain amount of substitute games for a certain amount and could walk and play in the evenings After these 20 years, I have very bad memories of this game now, through the prism of time, you can see how terribly old it is, although you can feel the retro atmosphere here and feel a note of nostalgia for young people.

Thank you very much for reading.