Retro Gaming - Chrono Trigger

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Chrono Trigger, a 1995 RPG game developed by Square considered by many to be the best RPG game of all.


Chrono Trigger features a fascinating storyline that takes the player through prehistoric times to the end of time. You follow Crono and his band of heroes as you battle through time to save the world. It is simply executed; There are no applied time travel logic theorems, so all science buffs looking for "precision" look elsewhere, they will miss it.

Square makes time travel fascinating, and the game's fantastic but not overly complex plot will catch you right to the end. Simplicity is what keeps you wondering. Seeing the future world and how it turns out is shocking and amazing in its own way. Science fiction doesn't get much better than this journey through the centuries.

The cast of Chrono Trigger is basically engaged to a hero, a robot, a frog knight, a cavewoman, a princess, an inventor, and a dark wizard. None of these characters get the depth and development of a character in a game like Square's own Xenogears, but Chrono Trigger has one of the most memorable characters in RPG history.

Maybe it's the classic character design from famous artist Akira Toriyama? (Yes, yes, that is why his characters are so similar to those of Dragon Ball) Perhaps they are the different personalities that each character has? Somehow, even Crono never "talks" (he doesn't have text boxes but he responds to characters), he evokes some kind of emotional response, and he's an RPG protagonist that won't be kept in the back of our brains. The villain has no actual development, but the development is not really applicable; You will know what I mean if you play. Square managed to concoct an unforgettable group of heroes, but since I can't pin down exactly why, you can't get a perfect score here.


Chrono Trigger has been blessed with one of the best video game soundtracks ever created. Yasunori Mitsuda's magical creation is a masterpiece. The character themes, the outside world themes, the battle themes are all classics. From the first sound of the clock to the last blast of the horn, it is simply magical. The MIDI quality for a SNES game is second to none; I don't think any other console game has better music or sound effects.

Chrono Trigger is also blessed with another great gift - a fun game. The ability to see enemies and be able to evade them makes the areas much more interesting to traverse. The battle system is also entertaining; Combos make for interesting battles, although if removed, it's the same basic battle system used in RPGs. The use of the ATB bar is another advantage. The dungeons are designed extremely well and are not crawling with stupid mazes or terrible puzzles. Fun and addicting, this is the best kind of game the RPG genre has to offer, and it still can.

Chrono Trigger probably has the best graphics in any SNES game. The colorful sprites, fun character animations, and lush backgrounds are captivating. The backgrounds are detailed and full of movement. And the use of the palette is amazing; so many colors, it's like looking at a painting half the time. The battle animations are equally beautiful, with fluid movements and great-looking spells that really boost the graphical capabilities of the SNES. It is a 2D gift to this day.


Square hizo otro excelente trabajo de localización para Chrono Trigger. El texto siempre es vibrante, si no demasiado, y rara vez hay errores gramaticales u ortográficos. La única desventaja pequeña y pequeña es que, dado que el juego también estaba orientado a niños más pequeños, el texto realmente no es muy adulto. Eso no es necesariamente malo, pero hubiera sido agradable ver un poco más de lenguaje para adultos.

La queja más grande que la gente tiene sobre Chrono Trigger es que jugarlo y obtener todos los secretos se puede hacer fácilmente en aproximadamente 18-20 horas. Bueno, digo mira el valor de repetición: con múltiples finales, el valor de repetición de Chrono Trigger es el más alto que tiene el género RPG. El control durante todo el juego fue directo, sin problemas de navegación y el movimiento fluido y fluido solo lo hizo más fácil, con el movimiento de ocho direcciones. El juego no es demasiado difícil; solo unos pocos jefes requerían una nivelación y estrategia serias, pero eso realmente no le resta tanto valor a la jugabilidad a menos que esté buscando un gran desafío. Es más una tarea divertida encontrar las historias secundarias secretas para cada personaje y completar las misiones.


Stolen from: here.

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