Perfect Dark, The Perfect Shooter

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

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Allow me to introduce you to what I consider a masterpiece first-person shooter. In May of 2000, Rare ltd released Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64. Perfect Dark was an expansive spiritual successor to Rare's 1997's blockbuster, Goldeneye 007. Building off all the revolutionary features of the previous game, Perfect Dark blends things we loved from Goldeneye and fuses it with a boatload of stuff we didn't know we needed. From a fully cooperative campaign mode to one of the first cases of an asymmetric gameplay style, that is now a popular staple of modern gaming. Counter-Operative mode puts one player in the hero role while the other player sides with the baddies and attempts to help the AI prevent the hero from completing her mission. Upgraded graphics and explosive visuals are accented by high-fidelity sound effects and an over-the-top soundtrack that still pounds to this day!

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Perfect Dark is set in a cyberpunk style dystopian world where mega corporations have grown in size to rival governments in power. You play as Joanna Dark, or 'Perfect' Dark as she is known to her colleagues, a young and talented special operative taken under wing by her mentor, Daniel Carrington. She works for his private military research company, known as the Carrington Institute under their special investigations division as a secret agent. The covert operations run by the Carrington Institute allow them to get a competitive edge on rivals, with Carrington Institute being responsible for the "Fifth Element" style flying cars being a prominent feature of the skyline of the world.

Agent Dark is tasked with recovering a scientist from dataDyne corporate headquarters, CI will provide a rooftop insertion, but after that it's up to Joanna to find the scientist and bring him back to the Carrington Institute. With the scientist in hand, Joanna uncovers a plot to overthrow the U.S. government using alien technology. It's up to Joanna Dark to stop the dataDyne coup attempt and possibly even stop a war beyond her own planet.

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For me, Perfect Dark is a game that holds a wealth of nostalgic memories. Countless hours were spent with my brother and cousin battling in the Combat Simulator against a team of 8 simulants. We would set the goal to 800 kills and then race to be the person to have the most kills at the end of the round. And when I say countless hours, I mean it. Some of our old multiplayer characters had hundreds of hours in game time, with us prone to deleting and remaking them on a whim. For many years, this was the game we all gravitated to and enjoyed playing together. My cousin and I still periodically talk about Perfect Dark and the fun we had, wishing we could recreate the simplicity of childhood if only for a moment.

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I am currently doing a replay of the Perfect Dark series on my youtube channel. I would really appreciate it if you could throw it on in the background, toss me a like and maybe even subscribe to my channel. I am also working on a Perfect Dark Retrospective video essay, and I'm pulling the script together now. It's been exciting to learn so much about the game I thought I knew so well. Stay tuned for that in the future!

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 2 years ago  

I haven't played this one in a long while, but I remember it being quite fun to play with my cousins in co-op splitscreen (which considering it was on the N64, that was a super impressive feature...sure, I played it through an emulator, but the fact it was a thing on a game for the console back then is mindblowing)

It is unfortunate that nowadays old gems like these are being buried under the ground by anything new and shiny with guns, but I appreciate to see someone still taking their time to put a spotlight in these oldies but goodies.

Something in me seems to compel me into playing this game once a year. It's odd. I'll be having fun in another game, putting like 100+ hours into Valheim with my wife and all of a sudden, oh no! I'm playing Perfect Dark again! Help meee!

For me, it is one of the best video games of the Nintendo 64 console, it is the one that needs more resources when playing it on an emulator, for the time Perfect Dark was a Boom, a combination of GoldenEye007 with the future.

Simply a great game that a lover of first person shooter videogames must try.

Great post my friend.

Thanks for the kind words.

One thing I found crazy when researching Rare/Goldeneye/Perfect dark is that Rare had to purchase these Silicon Graphics supercomputers to start development on the N64 in the early 90's. By the time they released Goldeneye in 007, that supercomputer was only able to render 2 Frames Per Second. Making the N64 more powerful than the $250,000 super computers they bought less than a decade prior!

This is one of those games that I hear as a great classic, and unfortunately I couldn't play it at the time.
Sometimes I think it could use a remake, so that many can enjoy it properly.

I believe it was remastered for the X-box waaaaay back in 2010. Lol We're so old now! The things we like aren't hip and cool anymore :(

They're still great, don't hesitate.

Oh man I remember this one. Me and a few friends make it our life mission back then to finish the game with the "one hit kill" setting on. We never managed.

We never tried anything that bold. I mentioned in my video that we often only played the game on Agent difficulty, rarely ever playing Secret or Perfect Agent.

My favorite cheat was the slow motion cheat paired with all weapons, then taking the Crossbow and sticking enemies with the bolts in amusing areas.

I cannot accurately state just how much fun I had with this game when we were young. Easily one of my top 3 remembered games. We had so so much fun with this.

Most people seem to talk about Goldeneye, and don't get me wrong, that game was great, but the multiplayer grew stale as skill levels developed. The bots allowed us to make the playing field a bit more fair, or as we usually did, work together, which added for great replayability!

The three of us in the G5 building elevator, with laptop sentry guns laid so we don't have to shoot... 😂

  • Farsight so we could snipe THROUGH THE MUTHAFUCKIN WALLS.

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