Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds | [New Episode] Goldbeard's Treasure Island (Here comes the PIRATES! )

Image by Netmarble

The new episode has begun. Like the previous ones each adventurer has to complete certain tasks in order to get rewards like increase in status points, new familiars and many other essential items. Goldbeard is your ordinary boss in the Power Up Dungeon but in this episode it is implied that he swallowed the power of the Kraken hence it's the adventurers task to explore his island and stop him on the process.

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There are many components of this episode. First is the 1-Player Dungeon where an adventurer could solo raid Goldbeard. Rewards are restricted if an adventurer does not possess the event item Kraken's Island Dungeon Ticket. This can be bought in the medal shop. Just tick the three dashes in the upper right location of the screen > Shop > Medals > Pirate Badge. It can be bought for 200 diamonds which is quite costly in my opinion. There's always an option to farm for the episode token Pirate Badge and later exchange it for the tickets. Unless, you feel like wasting money or diamonds I always suggest for you to go with the latter option.

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Pirate badges can be acquired by doing episode related quests. The first one available would be the quests Patrolling for Pirates. The quest giver is Moneyma'am shop's Sonia. She ordered something to be shipped over by the sea and it turned out that the cargo ran into pirates. The captain and the crew managed to escape and hide the cargo in the Eastern Heartlands. The pirates were alerted and were patrolling the area. We were tasked to bring back the goods before the pirates find them.

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Easter Heartlands might be a low level map but don't be fooled as episode monster's level adjust with the level of each adventurer. At the bottom of the waterfalls we found the both the pirates and the cargo. They were quite strong for level 106, earth attribute type mobs. An adventurer would have to defeat 3 waves consisting of 3 pirates each. After defeating them a torn piece of paper. Later a pirate admitted defeat and said that he would let us take the cargo if we gave the piece of paper which we obviously declined. There might be something on the paper related to Goldbeard since this episode is about him. We delivered the goods to Sonia and was awarded with 1 Vermuda Archipelago Reputation Point and a pirate badge. We asked if she knew something about the piece of paper but she didn't. She then later suggested for us to look for Expedition Captain James.

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The captain although looked modern has an aura of a true scholar. He said that this might be a piece of a Vermuda Archipelago map. It's an infamous place somewhere in the vast sea that is surrounded by some magical aura which rendered compasses useless. It's literally an uncharted place which made it both mysterious and dangerous. The pirates hideout might be in this archipelago! It turned out that captain James' knowledge about this paper and the pirates was not enough so he recommended his friend Alan.

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Who would have thought that Research Assistant Alan who loves music was also a pirate addict. He was fascinated when we showed him the piece of paper and confirmed that there was a legit mark of a Vermudan Pirate. He then told us to follow him until we arrived at the shores of Eastern Heartlands but to our surprise Red Fox Pirate Rojo showed up inquiring if we still have the piece of paper which he referred to as the pirate code piece . The yellow eyed pirate threatened us to surrender the paper but we refused. Alan was excited after the pirates confirmation. The priate was flabbergasted as he didn't have the chance to summon his minions and attacked us. We followed Alan and he stopped. Panting heavily he spoke about the words Goldbeard's Treasure. Red Fox Pirate Rojo followed us and said that Goldbeard's Treasure was scattered in every corner of the world but most them were in Vermuda Archilego. Alan was elated and asked if he could have the piece. He desperately needed 1 million gold for his musical debut but to pour him cold water that piece of paper wasn't even his.

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Pirate Roy offered cooperation which was surprising for a pirate. Alan approved since he felt that the pirate was trustworthy or maybe he was blinded by the reiches. There's a high chance of getting back stabbed later but what could we do since it's part of the scenario after all.
I guess we have to continue this later.

Thanks for reading.