Mobile Legends Road to Mythic with X Borg

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Mobile Legends X borg.jpeg

I recently re-downloaded Mobile Legends BANG BANG in my phone and casually play from time to time, from the recent rank reset, I am back to the Epic II league and it's time to reach the mythic league again, and with that, I decided to record highlights of my game plays. If you're not familiar Mobile Legends (ML) is one of the most played MOBA games in Asia, almost similar gameplay to League Of Legends (LoL), and since it's on a Mobile phone, it's pretty much a simplified version of it all.

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Ranking up

The goal is to rank up as soon as I can and as high as I can so far, the highest league I have reached was from Season 29 which was the Mythical Honor League, hopefully, I could top that. I find myself playing the most awkward hero in the game for some reason. :P xborg rank.jpeg


Here are my top three go-to heroes from the previous season, seX borg, Jawhead and Lolita. I find them very useful and effective in-game. I mainly use Fighter and/or Tank heroes and one of my favorites with 61.9% win rate is X borg, and I plan to use this hero until I reach my top rank. Check out my game highlight!

Let's play some rank game, or have a 1on1 battle, or a custom game! you can add my account, IGN: Stonedfish add ID: 15904278 (3022)


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Played this game for a while for about 3 to 4 seasons and I must say I really enjoyed it with some of my friends. Reached Mythical Honor before I uninstalled it last year to take a break from playing. Nonetheless, I hope you achieve Mythical Immortal this season. Good luck @lucimorningstar 👌

Thanks! I probably would delete the game as well once I've reached my goal I was thinking of shifting to LoL after. 🤣 I just wanted to share my gameplay and how I reach Mythic Immortal.