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RE: Earn & Burn™️ 100 HIVE Freeroll

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

I'm guessing during this gauging phase with only a few players that it's going to take 1-2 weeks for 6 people to Earn and Burn enough luck to enter the 5 HIVE and 1+ month for the 100.

However, if any of the LUCK tourneys/ring games get 6+ players in them, it will take 1-2 weeks to get 6 into the 100. We just need to build the player base back up to where we had it a few years ago (30 regs and 100+ in big tourneys) and then it won't take long at all for people to qualify.

It's going to be a balancing act as we go here, so expect changes as I adjust to make sure it doesn't take too long or too little time to get these filled. Thanks for doing your part in keeping the games filled! 🙂