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RE: HIVELAND: A small Minecraft server for everyone! | Un pequeño servidor de Minecraft para todos! [ENG-ESP]

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

This is wonderful! I will sure play with my two sons, and looks like we will get practice in Spanish as well :) Bless!

EDIT: We are getting the error "port out of range" and can't join the server. Maybe it's because we live in Canada?

 2 years ago (edited) 

Hey, I'm so glad you're here, really thank you.. You and your Sons are welcome 😄 As for the error, I don't think it's about your region. I'll look into it and try to fix it. Once again, thank you very much. 🙏

EDIT: An error similar to this one? "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: port out of range:xxxxx"

Yes, that is the error. Thanks for looking into it, I hope we can still join!

Try to enter by adding this address:

Let me know if you have the same error. 🤠

It worked! I look forward to playing now 😁