Journey to a Chromatic Fog Planet : Herbivorous Bloodshed

in Hive Gaming2 months ago
Journey to a Chromatic Fog Planet : Herbivorous Bloodshed

Today, my journey to a chromatic fog planet, named Aiusambor XVIII, was dramatic. But, before I went there, I adopted a new companion—I haven't named it yet—and I discovered a new settlement on the Paradise Planet. I took a picture of it and shared it here for the community.

This is the new animal companion I am talking about. It's generated name is Indiri-Tomiyito. It's already mature, weight 139 kg, height 3.5 m, species of F. Sweepdelineus, and it's gender is symmetric, I don't know what that is. By the way, it's fun to ride it. It can float around.

This is the Iffany Frontier, Vy'keen Planetary Settlement. I didn't apply to be the overseer of this settlement since I already have one, but I didn't manage it properly. So I leave it for now. Just for the sake of exploration, I took a picture of it.

I went back to the Anomaly, met the Nexus, and accepted a mission for quicksilver rewards. So, today's mission orders me to eliminate hazardous flora. After I took the mission and departed with my sentinel starship, the entrance suddenly glowed.

I was forced to jump to different system than I currently on. This Herbivorous Bloodshed mission was held in another system. It was great! I explored new system, planets, and even new species!

That's the planet where the floral hazards detected. It was an undiscovered planet. It's a Chromatic Fog Planet, named Aiusambor XVIII. The main resources on this planet are emeril, ammonia, and silver.

Then, as I entered the atmosphere of the planet, I saw giant mountains everywhere. Deep ravine far below the mountain. I remembered that I've been a planet like this before. This type of planet is the home of one of my companions! Lila!

The mission's tag ordered me to land at the bottom of the ravine. I can't believe I will be back on this kind of planet again. I had a bad experience in the early hours of my adventure on this kind of planet. Now that I have more experience than before, I hope everything will be alright.

After I successfully landed, my scanner immediately told me that no fauna exists on this planet. What a big surprise! Lila will not meet her kind here. That's sad. Then, I opened my target sweep mode scanner to locate the flora hazard. The signal led me to this wall! Is it a dead end?

Well, it was not a dead end. I dug the wall using my multitools. It doesn't take me long. I managed to dig straight and then up diagonally until I breached the surface of the mountain top. At this point, it was estimated to take 500 u to reach the targeted area.

On my way to reach the targeted area, I found a few knowledge stones and learned new words. I am in Vy'keen's system, so I learn new words of that alien's tongue.

Then I remembered Lila, my animal companion. This planet is suitable for her to induce eggs. Look how happy she was when I summoned her.

My guess was right; Lila really induced an egg. This is something new to me. I never saw this happen before! I was so lucky to adopt Lila as my animal companion! Now, I am learning new things about the game, yay!

It was a memorable moment for us. When I look at the egg's detail : A living, fertile egg, ready to hatch in 24 hours. Process in the Space Anomaly's Egg Sequencer to re-sequence genetic material. Scans indicate the being within has the genetic potential to be very large and aggressive! I can't wait to see it!

I can't never ever climb the steep and gigantic ravine. Even my jetpack did not have enough gas at it's maximum upgrade to climb all the way up. But I am so lucky to have Lila. When I ride her, she walks and even runs on the steep ravine like it was a flat surface!

I am so excited about Lila's ability to climb the ravine with ease that I didn't realise we were already at the top of the mountain. We need to go down a few units again to reach the targeted area.

We finally made it. This was a fallen traveler's log. After activating it, it gave us more information about the current mission. I need to eliminate 15 hazardous flora.

That was the hazardous flora. There were two types, and this was one of them.

This was the second one. So killing them was easy. Finding them was the hardest part. Without the help of Lila, it could be almost impossible because of the steep slope.

While doing the mission and searching for the hazardous flora, we stumbled upon a resource depot. There were five depot containers that contained platinum and granite. But there's a catch: there were lots of sentinels flying around guarding the place.

So I decided to destroy the containers, take the resources, make the sentinels trigger, and run away. That sounds like a plan.

So, just like the plan, I destroyed all the containers and took the resources. I don't have enough ammunition for my weapon, so my chance of winning was slim. I need to run!

Hahaha! That was a lot of sentinels! I will die if I stay and fight. Running was my best option.

My running speed was not enough to escape from the rage of the sentinels. But not with Lila. She ran so fast to the top of the mountain until we were safe, and the sentinels gave up chasing us.

Then, we went back to the starship and ready to go.

I went back to the Nexus to collect my rewards. I earned 1800 quicksilvers, and 1 liquid explosive. With that rewards, I have enough quicksilver to purchase armoured exogloves.

I put Lila's egg in the egg sequencer. I mixed four random mats in it to see what changed. My final materials consist of gold, granite, platinum, and cobalt. The stats of weight, height, and helpfulness will increase. I can't wait to see what happens next! Could it be bigger than Lila and more aggressive?

So before leaving, I took some more screenshots of my journey today. I hope you like it. And, that's all for today, thank you so much for your support. Have a nice day. Goodbye!

Note : All photos were screenshots taken by me while playing No Man's Sky game. My thumbnail picture was edited using PixeLab apps, the photo in there is my face with a suit that generated by ToonMe apps

Thank you very much!

Wow this game graphics looks quite amazing.

Yeah it's really stunning in there..