Biological Horor : Monstrosites Hunt

in Hive Gaming25 days ago

Despite Nada and Polo's best efforts to study the universe impartially, they recognise that some strands of life are different. A specific variety of biological entity seems to envoke horror in all other living things it encounters. Courageous away teams are required to directly confront this horror and report back its most unnerving qualities. As usual, I volunteer to help them, and I work on my own.

Today's mission was located in Neshorga System. A System that has five planets and one moon. The infestation sites were located on Planet Eoul, a Paradise Planet, where my main base was built. I haven't finished building my base yet, there are so many things to prepare and craft. And I haven't had the opportunity to make a good structure on it yet, but I am working for it little by little.

The mission destination was reached and I landed just in front of the abandoned building. I was easy to identify the whispering egg from above, so I can skipped the target sweep mode search function this time. The weather was great, all green, all blue, really enjoyed it.

I saw a pair of flying biological entities, creatures of this beautiful planet, flying around, having fun, and greeting my appearance. The sky looked purple, which was different from home, planet Earth. There was no Planet Earth in this vast multiverse of nms, only planets that looked alike, just like this Paradise Planet.

After defeating those monsters that came out from the whispering eggs, I went into the building. There was a Forsaken Terminal inside the building, which, after I interacted with it, allowed me to download the coordinates of the secondary infestation sites.

It felt quick this time, eliminating the monsters with a full upgrade of my Scatter Blaster and thousands of pieces of ammunition, which I worked really hard to get my hand on. Every effort makes it feel worth it, so I can explore more and discover more. The more I explore and discover, the more I earn and gain. During my early hours, killing this monster took some time, and I can end up dead if I am not extra careful. After downloaded the secondary infestation sites, I make a quick run to my starsthip and fly away toward the coordinates.

The area of ocean I flew over was insane, there was a vast area of blue, eye-catching, breath taking ocean everywhere, and just a small portion of green island. Some of the islands were floating in the mid-air, make the view really strange but stunning. It's doesn't took a lot of time to fly for the second site.

Second round of battle against the monster on the secondary infestation sites. New infestation sites mean more monster need to be killed. The monsters, I admitted, fought really well, their numbers were large enough to inflict a lot of damage but far from killing me. If I don't avoid them and actively move around, surely I will die! But that's didn't happened, I too fought well and kill enough monster so I can move to the third, final destination.

This floating island was huge. Way bigger than the abandoned building. It looked like mysteries were all around us and infront of anyone who sought them. How could an island of that massive mass float that high. It's a uniqueness of nms's explorers and travellers, everything in it's universe to was fulfil the fanstasy of one space traveler's heart desire.

Although it's called horror, all I saw in today's mission was beauty of this planet. Every infestation site I went to, I only looked at the beauty of it, took screenshots, and excitedly wanted to share them with everyone. NMS's universe was an incredible place for virtual exploration and having fun with.

It was such a wasteful exploration without taking in the sunset view on the planet. I took a screenshot of the sunset after I finished my mission. It's worth the time and effort for one who seeks peace and calmness from a favourite game.

I returned to the Nexus, a living computer (I think), inside the Space Anomaly, the massive black sphere floating on the space, ready to be summoned anywhere in the vast multiverse of NMS. It's a favourite of any travelers who don't have time to complete a space battle against the sentinels forces, it was an escape plan that 100% work!

The entrance of the Space Anomaly was amazing; I must admit, there is nothing cooler than this! So, after completed the mission, which was killing 52 monstrosities, the Nexus reward me 400 Quicksilvers.

So, before leaving, I will leave my recorded video of the last battle against 27 monstrosities at the third and final infestation sites. I hope you enjoy it and I am happy to share it here.

If you read this far, I would like to thank you a lots. Thank you so much for your attention and your support! It means a lot to me. Growing slowly but surely in Hive was really my excitement. The Hive Gaming community has been supporting me and helping me grow a lot. I appreciate it so very much!

Note : All photos were screenshots taken by me while playing No Man's Sky game. My thumbnail picture was edited using PixeLab apps, the photo in there is my face with an exosuit armor that generated by ToonMe apps.