Testing the Power of Tortisian Figher

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

I take the challenge of Splinterlands to show battle reports regarding the usage of Tortisian Fighter. I'm not used to Totisian Fighter as my monster level is still at Level 3 wherein I just get it as a gold card via Daily Quests.

I am needing around one more level to use Tortisian Fighter to make it more effective as Shield skill will be activated which helps him to be more solid against Melee and Range attacks.


In this battle, two battle rules are in effect, Equalizer which balanced all health points to all monsters and Fog of War which monsters will lose their sneak and snipe abilities. This kind of battle rules seems to be quite challenging as I need to select the best monsters with abilities of either range and magic.

Mana limit is around 22 which I need to select monsters with lesser mana so I could fill up all the battle positions as much as possible.

As the battle commences I see that my enemy uses an Earth Summoner with the ability to boosts additional life. While on my side I use Bortus which is a bit disadvantage for me as only 1 of his monsters will take the debuff effect.

On my enemy frontline, I see that Flesh Golem is blocking the way as it has a bit big melee damage and has healing abilities. On my analytics, he has a good stronghold if we are talking about melee attack monsters as Grumpy Dwarf at the back throwing its weapon for free damage.

Next to that, he has Enchanted Pixie that helps boosts its melee damage while having a flying ability which increases its evading possibilities. The magic damage of Enchanted Pixie might not that heavy but its Goblin Sorcerer has a stronger effect with 2 magic damage and 4 life points.

Now for his range attacks, he got Swamp thing and Earth Elemental that serves a good combo at its other as Swamp Thing decreases my allied monsters while Earth Monster keeps himself which might be hard to beat.

Anyway, let's just get on with it so we may know what would be the outcome of this battle.


My Line Up

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The main cast of my testing battle, Tortisian Fighter is more like a Ninja Turtle as we can see it. More like Donatello/Leonardo combination but just using a spear type of weapon.

I put him into frontline as I see that he is quite solid with its 2 armor even if not skill at all for his level. But I think he can work it out with its 2 attacks and 2 speed, let's see how much he can hold the frontline.

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In my second position, I put Sea Monster wherein I'm a bit worried that my Sea Monster won't able to make attacks. Anyway, I'm staying on my luck as there might be chances that I made a mistake on this one but I'm hoping I did not.

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In my third position, I put my Furious Chicken as I have fully consumed my mana and so to make use of additional monsters I use the chicken.

I put it in the third position as I know that he can work well in that position as he is really a weak chicken but very useful when you need an additional helping hand.

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In the fourth position, I choose to use Azmare Harpoonist as I rely on its attack and speed. This monster would be my best option for backup for this match.

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And lastly, we put Enchanted Pixie for an extra boost of damage to all my melee attack monster while I consider it as a secondary backup also.

The Battle


During Round 1, my Summoner immediately debuffs Goblin Sorcerer while I got debuff with deduction of life points of all my monsters.

I couldn't even damage its Fresh Golem as it keeps on healing while my Tortosian Fighter seems to have in a bit trouble as its armor was easily broken due to massive attacks from any area while its life points down to 2 at the end of the round.


At Round 2, my Tortosian Fighter cannot stand it anymore as he got eliminated due to being hit by two magic attack monsters. My Sea Monster immediately replaced the fallen comrade as it got immediately hit the same as my Tortosian Fighter experienced.

Healing is never an option for Sea Monster as it got hit by any sort of damages while being so hopeless as he got unmatched with Fresh Golem head-on.


At Round 3, my Sea Monster got eliminated. After that my Furious Chicken replaced the frontline but so hopeless as it has no attack.


The battle ended at Round 6 where I cannot anymore defend the ground as my remaining monsters are too fragile.


I have not effectively use Tortisian Fighter to its best as I need to have at least one skill to make it more fully usable in battle.

I think I need to buy more of its duplicate in the market and have it level up immediately.

The Battle

The battle can be seen here: https://steemmonsters.com/?p=battle&id=8ba1c8579b3d62db0a305455273399b589ea0c78

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I haven't used that card much, so don't have a lot of experience. I do agree that if you level it up, and have access to more abilities, it will perform much better!
