Now a Full Splinterlandian! Don't say I didn't warn you!

in Hive Gaming4 years ago (edited)

Drumrolls(to get the full experience I intend to pass on to you, kindly join me in imagining a drumroll!!!) Thank you, Let's go!


I present to you my Splinterlands thumbnails, now you guys should get used to seeing this often as you know I can't stop yapping about Splinterlands.


Two important rules though! Don't get carried away gawking at the lusciousness of @daltono's artwork, he has that effect on everything he touches, if you think I'm lying check his profile, the second rule is to never forget rule one, the point here is to read my post's, the post is the most important, thank you in advance as we try to not get carried away.

I'm torn between these two for a moment, I love the dark one, but the red one is.......the red one is..........the red one is sort of peppery, I like peppery, do you like peppery? I'm so me guys!!!!

Anyway to the most important part of this post, as you can see, I'm doing some upgrades, first to my brand as a full blown Splinterlandian, then I'd be upgrading my cards too as I mentioned in my last post, its high time we take this thing up a notch! For other players out there, that's a new level of ass kicking, don't say I didn't warn you!

Loving both my new thumbnails!!!!! What say you?

And that's it for the weekend Splinterlands post folks, if you'd like to join me in having this awesome gaming experience on Splinterlands, here's my referral link👻👻👻💀💀💀

Don't forget that if you don't have a Hive account or haven't bought any cards, you can still play for fun by registering with your Email address. This will allow you access to a lite account. The real deal is when you buy your cards and build your deck, because only then will you have access to tournaments, daily and season quests.

If you're game, I'm always up for a challenge. Hit me up and get your ass whooped.

Battle till you drop!!!! See ya.😠😡😈😈😠😝


Want to join Hive through my Ref Link and let me walk you through starting up? Click the image below.



I am feeling the dark one better focused on you and the game. The red one would need some more content in the background, if I may say. I say definitely the dark thumbnail.


Hmmn I think i see what you're seeing,...I feel you mate thanks for bring that to my attention..😎

I’m torn between the red and black version. Both looks awesome to me! You look very happy to be a Splinterlandian 😎

Both look awesome to me too!!!!argg loool I'd just keep shuffling them maybe.

Oh yes I am!!!!hehhe

I like the darker one more, and by darker, I mean the second.

Also, you said "thorn" a few times when you meant "torn"

Oh damn thanks for that.

Okay darker one,!

See you in the battlefield

Run rabbit run!

That's a badass looking thumbnail. :D




I like the one with the black background better than the other one! Both of them look badass but my preference is with the black one.

Hopefully you don't kick my ass in Splinterlands but looking forward to meeting you on the field!

Thanks for your thoughts, I'll just be shuffling between them both,...hahahhahaha....I will try to go easy on you but kicking ass is just my default self so it would be hard.

I love that word Splinterlandian very cool, I love the dark one but red one is red,lol.

Yes...Splinterlandians yesss! Hehehe😅

I love the dark one but red one is red,lol.

You get meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeeee!!!!!! Thats exactly my problem I love the black, bit the red one is red!!!!! I mean!😂

lol, I like both.

LOL Splinterlandian!! I like the second one .... just my 2 cents :)

Thanks for sharing!

curated by @travelgirl



DUUUUUDE! They are both fire! But... if I was forced to choose... I'd say the second one.

I see that TravelGirl came and gave you the upvote love whilst I was sleeping. Yay!

Awesome!!! Thanks

I see that TravelGirl came and gave you the upvote love whilst I was sleeping. Yay

Right :) but you love more☺😊