Blocklords - First Impressions

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Blocklords is an Age of Empires/Settlers type of strategy NFT game that has been released in the beta version. You can now register and play a little for free to get a feel for the game until you get to the requirement for a lumbermill.



After installing the game, you first get to choose where you want to build your kingdom.



Once selected, you can start to build your farm. This seems to be the main focus at the start of the game and reminds me alot of The Settlers but with more realistic graphics.



Many of the tasks and controls are intuitive. Clicking on the Villagers team and getting them to select berries was easy to figure out. They have a health score before they get tired. So I then sent them to rest in the house to recharge.



What was not so intuitive was to click on the shield and claim the Might that increases your Upgrade Status so that you can unlock your level and progress in the game. I asked quickly in discord and could then proceed. The FAQ was also a little sparse on helpful information to get started in the game.



As you progress in the game, you get small challenges and quests popping up for you to make a decision on. Do you turn a blind eye to things or take a hard line. Your decision can have different outcomes.



I quickly established two new teams. One of villagers to help gather stone to complete a new mission. The second team was of builders who built me a new house as you can see above to expand my kingdom. Soon my Might or Upgrade Status was increasing and I could also unlock more buildings including my next task.. a lumbermill. With the lumbermill, I can then build many more things theoretically.



The game has some great graphics and the many levels encourage you to want to progress further. There seems many farming opportunities to unlock but the fighting part is something I would like to check how it is working. The battle graphics show sieges of castles and it reminds me of my Amiga days with Defender of the Crown - less the catchy music.



To play further, I now need to buy myself a hero that can cost anything from $4 upwards. You can apparently buy on Polygon or ImmutableX, although I opt for ImmutableX usually, but you need to first transfer your ETH to the layer 2 and the gas fees can be more than the costs of the NFT!

As I was on a shopping spree with Gods Unchained last week, I need to add more ETH to my wallet, so will buy a Hero NFT and continue playing the game and give you a further update next time.

Thanks for reading.

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Title and screenshots taken from the game source

Copyright free music from

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Let's connect : mypathtofire

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I don't know about this game haha. Did you enjoy it?

Yeah, it's a good one, I will continue playing.

Awesome. I think I won't have time for any more games :c

I have 2 more games that I need to start, but hard finding the time. Lol

Ya i KNow right. I don't have enough time man and now i got more jobs to do Rip lol

Lol - sheepish love - must have been the kingdom of the Welsh you were playing !!!

It could well be lol

I played Age of Empires 2 (1999) a lot as a child. I am happy to read and see that Blocklords is similar to it, and that you can start playing it for free.

Good luck and have fun.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

Thanks, it looks like a good game and lots of fun. Thanks for checking it out. Stay cool in Tenerife.

Is the game based on Nft's with a market to buy and sell them ?

There is a market where you can buy and sell them, for example TokenTrove.

I played Age Of Empires when I was younger... but... if this game is not on Hive then makes no sense to me....

Yeah, there are no tokenomics to it yet, just NFTs, but we will see.

ooft ETH and gas fees!

Seems fun though

yes, once you are on they layer 2, it is free like Hive, but getting there.... oh man!

Wow... That looks nice! I didn't play AoE that much, but I did play old Warcraft when it was similar to this... and of course, some other games...

I can't even imagine myself getting back to gaming... Maybe when I get filthy rich from crypto and have a lot of free time... lol...

It seems like some good fun at the moment but you are right it can take up some time. I think after the next bull run you will be ready :)

I think after the next bull run you will be ready :)

Hahahahaha... That would be nice to experience... 😂 We deserve another huge bull run! 😃

That is pretty cool. I used to love playing AoE when I was younger. My dad and I had our computers networked together so we could play together at the same time. It was a lot of fun.

So far its a lot of fun and I am looking forward to seeing how it goes further.

That is cool. I'd love to see more games that go beyond the general clicking of a faucet. Prospectors was cool at one point, but it got old fast.

I cant wait to see the battle scenes too, it looks really cool.

i still play AOE , defender of the crown was probably the first game i played with mouse and key board on my amiga 500 back in 1987.

damn those 3speak players and their java scripts 🤣🤣

I think we have something in common there. I also quite liked Risk multiplayer.

never played risk on pc only as board game when i was a kid

It was quite good on the Amiga

i was mostly bussy running my BBS on the amiga

Nice one, I wonder if I logged onto your BBS back then.

was using the same handle as i do now stresskiller and it was the Stress BBS 😁 located in Amsterdam at that time

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Thanks for the heads up - I've been waiting for a blockchain version of Settlers.

Thanks for checking it out. So far it looks pretty good.


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