Binemon, 6 Months In. A Review

in Hive Gaming2 years ago


I have been in Binemon from Day One and it's been an interesting ride. I was hoping that getting in early would set me up nicely.

There has been lots of mixed emotions in the first 6 months.

This Play-To-Earn game seems to be constantly changing and adapting. I have been close to cashing out a few times thinking my gaming time and money would do much better elsewhere but like the high risk gamble it always was, there has always been just enough light in the tunnel to keep me holding on.


My top five mons ☝️


And the rest of the squad. They says it's similar to Axie (Infinity) but was a lot cheaper to get a starting team. There are no rentals at the moment. Basically you used to have limited free battles in a once-a-week season and got rewarded with their token. It has just changed to a daily season but it costs you .25 of a tokens for each and every battle.

I was skeptical at first as usually each change Binemon made to game play made it harder for me to earn. This time, so far, I have been pleasantly surprised and am earning slightly more with a lot less time battling.

The Binemon's gets better stats the more it battles.

A Binemon's starts at Level E1 and levels up to E20 before you have to fuse two Level E mon's to make a Level D which will then take you from 21 to 40. Then it is 3 x Ds to make a C and so on.

The Graphics are really good.

The battling is all automatic and only takes a minute after you have selected an opponent. You also have to set a defensive team and you can lose rank when you are offline.

The ranking system and rewards have changed regularly in the PVP. The only chat I can find is on twitter and there is a lot of complaints about the lower level rewards not being enough. I am getting rewards and leveling up but still spend them all in game. Hopefully this strategy works long term but it does feel like I am chasing my tail a bit at times.

They have just added some new daily bot battles. I am getting experience and increased stats out of it but can't get through enough levels to get to any reward bosses yet.


Binemon started on the Draken Exchange which they said was cheaper for a start up and has just recently moved to the Binance Smart Chain.
I am able to access the game on either my phone or PC.

You can buy eggs and hatch random Mon's or just buy a team from the market place. It is very hard to work out the best value. I have done both and got lucky getting two titans and two unicorns out of eggs but even with all the levelling up I have done, I reckon I would be lucky to break even at the moment if I was to opt out.

It would be hard for me to recommend this game to anyone at my level ($350AUD invested) or under - they do reckon the earnings are better up higher. Although there are enough positives to keep me hanging in there: game play, strategy in building a team and wondering what they might do next?



Looks interesting.. I might look into it when im more experienced like you but for now I'll learn to play splinterland😅

Yea splinterlands and risingstar are a great place to start

Thanks you for your donation

With the upcoming Cronus collaboration hopefully a lot more people jump on this! It has great potential.

looks like they are adding scholarships

Part of me wants to ask "what's a mon??". Another part of me is wise enough to not start that conversation. !LOL

!LUV that you're posting on a new and different topic. Here, have some !HBITS ;)

A mon is just like a pokemon nft

Bhahaha. So, that leads me to the next question (that I should be wise enough not to ask !LOL ): What's a pokemon nft???

!LUV and !HBIT 🤸


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