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RE: Albion once more [ENG - ESP]

in Hive Gaming7 months ago


Of course, you can use them if you like. I'm glad you are honest and don't make up anything about the game just to leave a comment. Don't worry, my mom sometimes sees me playing and she doesn't understand anything either haha, but she's always been struck by the colors, I think in those big battles it's the only thing you can distinguish well. Thank you very much for commenting.


Por supuesto, puede utilizarlos si gusta. Me alegra que sea honesta y no invente nada acerca del juego solo para dejar un comentario. No se preocupe, mi madre a veces me ve jugando y tampoco entiende nada haha, pero siempre le han llamado la atención los colores, creo que en esas batallas grandes es lo único que se puede distinguir bien. Muchas gracias por comentar.
