Hunting the Iberian Wolves, apex predators of Cautro Colinas Reserve | theHunter: Call of the Wild

in Hive Gaming11 months ago

Hello, gamers. Welcome back to my blog.

I was exploring the outskirts of the Cautro Colinas Game Reserve which is located in Spain. While the climate is a bit arid but I found a little lake on top of a large hill.

I was not finding any clues until I got close to the lake and saw some tracks of Beceite Ibex, one of the largest Ibex you can find on this map. They have a long set of curved horns.

I moved slowly and carefully and saw a small group of Ibexes drinking near the lake. When I spotted them, they were all alerted by my presence so I had to take a quick shot.

I was looking at a level 4 male with large outwards pointing curved horns. I took the shot and he dropped instantly to the ground. You can see a big splash of blood indicating that I hit one or more vital organs.

I harvested the guy while all the others fled from the area. No way, I was taking a follow-up shot on any of them. This one was a huge male weighing almost 100 Kg. This was my first Beceite Ibex and he was a nice gold too.

I went after the herd to spot and get a few more kills in case they decide to come back to drink. This was their drinking time so they might come back. I was moving carefully and within like 100 meters I heard their warning calls and knew they were close.

I lay down to avoid getting detected and waited for them to come close. This time I had my shotgun ready and loaded with Buckshots ammo which are more than capable of killing them.

When the entire herd was close enough (around 50 meters mark), I took my shotgun and killed 2 of them. One of them was a heart shot which dropped the male instantly. He was a class 3 silver only.

Another one had a long set of horns too but not as impressive as the first one. This was also silver and a lung shot was more than enough to drop it on the ground.

I still went after the herd but they were now on high alert and moving fast. I did not get any more chances of getting a good shot on them.

I moved on and heard a thumping noise coming from close. I tried to locate the source of the noise and found a European Hare running and jumping on the ground.

I followed the little guy until he came to a stop and I opened my .22LR rifle which was the only weapon capable of hunting class 1 animals with integrity so I can get the maximum reward and cash out of him. This was not a super difficult shot, he even tried to hide between those little bushes but the animal highlights in the game made the shot super easy.

It was a neck shot which is one of the most vital places you can hit an animal, they just can't survive a good neck shot let alone this little Hare. This was only a Bronze though.

I saw an interesting-looking Cairn and this was a good vantage point to look over the entire hill. But I did not see any animal in range.

I was not finding any animals around this area so I quickly travelled back to the outpost. Within minutes, I heard some warming calls from Wolves. They have excellent senses of smell and hearing. So, I put on some scent eliminator spray and walked very slowly to not make any noise.

I got close and saw a small pack with at least 4 wolves. There might be more. They seemed to be travelling and fleeing away from me. I made sure my shotgun is full and ready to shoot in case they decide to attack me.

One of them was super curious and came towards me. He was approaching slowly so I took my 7MM rifle and shot right at his heart. But missed the heart by a small margin and only hit the lungs, which was not bad either.

Even after the loud noise they didn't just flee off and remained cautious and were trying to investigate the source of the loud noise. I took down two others from the same group.

Most of those were lung shots and were not too difficult to hit as they didn't run off from the area. They might have attacked me if I had gotten a little close. This was my first encounter with Wolves in this game and one of the reasons that I bought this DLC is to hunt those predators. They give a lot of cash rewards too.

I went back to the Lavender fields and they look so stunning. This map has some fields with flower plantations including sunflowers and lavenders and they make this map so beautiful to walk through.

This was a nice end to my long session. I loved the new map so far. I was so thrilled to finally encounter those wolves and will look to find more exclusive and indigenous species on this map. I know there are more species of Ibex to be found. I will keep looking!

Thanks for reading...

Until next time...


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Hive gaming text divider from Raizel posted in Hivegaming Discord Server.
  • Screenshots are from the game, theHunter: Call of the Wild.

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This game fascinates me. I'm looking forward to have a proper sit-down with it. In the meantime I'll keep enjoying these reports of yours.