Moose Hunting in Yukon Valley using a Bow | theHunter: Call of the Wild

in Hive Gaming11 months ago

Hello, gamers. Welcome back to my blog.

I hunted with powerful Rifles almost exclusively but I recently switched to Bow hunting and to my surprise it is quite fun and satisfying. The silent nature of the bow will spook very few animals so you can take down 2-3 animals from the same herd.

One of the successful strategies I have been implementing is by calling the animals near me using callers made for specific animals. I had a lot of in-game cash stacked up from all my hunts so I bought all the available callers. Most of the animals can be called by some sort of a caller. They work well on Moose too.

I was in the Yukon Valley Game Reserve and looking for some big Moose to hunt. When I reached a small lake where I previously spotted some moose, I was lucky as there was a small group drinking. They were in the range of my caller so I could lure them in while I wait under a tree completely hidden from their view.

The Wind was in my favour as well, if not they would have noticed me from far with their heightened sense of smell. I kept using the caller and slowly but surely they came near me.

I had my eyes on the male, he had a beautiful pair of antlers and would have given much more rewards than the other two smaller females. But the first one to approach me was a level 1 female. They are the easiest to attract and the last ones to spook.

I made sure that I am using the correct type of arrows. I had a front-on shot which is not easy and I prefer a more side-on shot with lungs completely exposed. Anyways, I couldn't risk her coming much closer as she would be spooked so I took the shot.

This first shot created a slight panic in the rest and they turned and tried to go away. I then used the caller again but this time it was not working as it did previously. After a while, others calmed down and were almost at the edge of my caller's reach.

I used the caller again and this time they were more interested. I learned that to be a good hunter you have to be very patient, much so in the real world. I waited patiently under that tree for them to come back to me.

At times, they seemed to be nervous coming towards me but still, there were getting closer and closer.

I got impatient and took a shot which I should have avoided and I missed it. This created a panic among the group and amidst this panic, one of the females seemed to come towards me. I dropped her down easily with a bow.

Now, it was time for me to collect my trophies. I got 2 kills from this encounter but sadly the bigger male ran away who had better awareness than the rest of the smaller ones.

Both the females did not give me any trophies as they don't have the trophy organ. Only males have antlers, but I still got some cash and XP.

The one I shot front on was not a bad shot after all. My arrow pierced both the lungs which can only be possible if you have good penetration.

I moved on in search of another group. This was their drinking time and the swampy area with long dry grasses was supposed to be a good place for them. Yukon Valley is gorgeous with snow-capped mountains in the background. I can walk around this map for hours, just like walking through the forest.

But I didn't have to walk much as I spotted another lone moose drinking by the lake.

He was not too far and was attentive. So, I crouched down and walked slowly towards him. There were some trees on the right side of the lake which I can use to hide and call him in real close.

He was interested and wanted to figure out the source of the sound so he came close and when he was around 50 meters or so, I took the shot. The sight on this bow is an advanced scope which can figure out the distance of the target and can give you an adjusted dot to shoot at..... that is so accurate and precise.

I aimed a the heart and if I had missed it, I could have missed all the vital organs. So, I was taking a risk but it worked in my favour as I saw the animal just drop instantly on the ground indicating I got the heart shot.

A perfect heart shot gave me a silver trophy. This bow is both accurate and powerful with great penetration. Never seen a bullet penetrate this deep. Consider me impressed!

I moved on again to look for more, I was enjoying this session thoroughly and wanted to get a few more kills. I came across a location for a hunting stand to be built. So, I paid the required amount and this was a small cabin with windows on three sides allowing me to have an almost 360-degree view around the area while I remain effectively hidden from the animals.

One of the sides was facing a small lake which is a hotspot of Moose activity. I used the caller again just to see if I get a response back or if I can hear a mating call somehow. That was a great idea as I heard three distinctive calls from Moose.

One of those was a big male who was very much interested in finding out where the call came from. I waited for him to come close and shot him easily with my bow and arrow. It was not the best of shots but was good enough and managed to get a vital lung hit.

Look at the span of those antlers on him. They are beautiful and got me a silver medal. That's the same guy from my banner, you can see the size by comparing it with my dog. They are huge animals, a class 8 (largest animals are class 9 in this game like Cape Buffalos, Bisons etc) which is no joke but the penetration power of my bow and arrow is just surprisingly good.

Bow hunting is fun if you have the right type of equipment, strategy and some patience. Calling your prey in is the most effective strategy when hunting with a low-range bow. Their silent nature is a very big plus point and allows us to hunt multiple animals from the same herd easily.

Thanks for reading...

Until next time...


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Hive gaming text divider from Raizel posted in Hivegaming Discord Server.
  • Screenshots are from the game, theHunter: Call of the Wild.

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