🔥 YURNERO ▪ El mejor CARRY para subir subir tu medalla! ▪ Dota 2 (GAMEPLAY)

in Hive Gaming • 2 years ago

Hello everyone, this time I bring you a GamePlay of one of the most popular and strongest heroes in the Meta, Juggernaut or Yurnero, his old name in Dota 1. Juggernaut ranks fifth among the most chosen heroes and with the highest percentage of Victories in the goal

The game has three phases: Early Game, Mid Game, and Late Game.

Early game

My start was with Quelling Blade, Magic Stick, 2 Iron Branch, Tiara and Tangos. Items that give me stats to have more life since I was going against a Spectre and a Necrophos that is highly magical damage, I should have life to resist more.

I did well online even though my support wasn't doing the job right, but I'm not complaining, I knew how to hold on online. At minute 4 we were able to kill Necro, the weakest target.

Juggernaut is a hero that activates quickly for fights from Lvl 4 and begins to have a presence in the game. My priority was to farm Maelstrom and Shadow Blade to hunt down the Sniper in his forest.

Mid Game

Legion Commander was playing a good game and making it difficult for us, that's when I decided to quickly go for Skull Basher to stop him and then turn him into Abyssal Blade. I think I made a mistake buying Shadow Blade and should have bought this item mainly after the Maelstrom.

Late Game

By the end of the game I was already too strong to stop myself, I was climbing objects quickly. I transformed my Maelstrom into Mjollnir and already had 9 kills and only died 2 times. Later I looked for an Eye of Skadi health and damage item to be even more resilient in fights and no one will get away from me.

I finished the game with around 19 kills and only died 3 times. It was a fun game, although the Legion was making it difficult, we were able to counter their aggression properly.

I hope you can enjoy my game and support me. Thank you!