I'm Giving Up On Ghost of Tsushima AGAIN

in Hive Gaminglast month

It's sad having to admit it but it's time to face reality and accept that I'm giving up on Ghost of Tsushima for the second time. This time is has to be the final nail in the coffin when it comes to this game for me. The first time I made it all the way through act 1. This time I didn't even make it halfway...

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Beautiful mediocrity...

That's the best way I manage to describe this game. It looks beautiful. One of the best looking and most atmospheric games out there. The game is so beautifully crafted that I could spend hours using the photo mode to take pictures of the awesome sceneries they've put together for this world. It's a true work of art and that can't be denied.

But then you have to play the actual game in between and you realize just how mediocre it is. There's a total of five enemies in the entire game. Throughout the gam you unlock techniques to deal with each one. Because of this almost every battle scenario feels the same. Some times there's more of the spear guys and sometimes there's more of the shield guys. That's basically it for variety.

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Main story quests are ok. They tell the story of Jin Sakai working together with the people to reclaim their island after the mongols invaded. It's pretty straightforward. That's what you do. There's no real twists to it and that's ok. It's a story of vengeance and liberation. It doesn't have to be much more than that.

The side missions however are all quite atrocious. You talk to some people who are having trouble with the mongols in one way or another. You then go somewhere to fight the mongols and then the missions is over. This is basically true for all the side missions I've done in the game so far which is quite a lot of them. I had to stop at some point to try and focus on the main story.

After reaching a point where I just couldn't go on I had to stop and google if this is all the game has to it. Turns out it does. There's a whole bunch of people out there who feels just like me. Ghost of Tsushuma is beautiful mediocrity at its best.

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Oh well. All games can't be winners no matter how well they've been received in the past. The game is releasing for PC soon and I know a few people here are excited for it. I hope I don't ruin the experience for any of you with my little rant. I hope all of you who try the game after me will have a better time with it.

All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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 last month  

Sad to hear that, I had high hopes on this one and will still try it on PC whenever I can. At least, better than some ugly mediocrities out there...lol

It's worth trying at least. Just a shame that the gameplay is mostly copy pasted for 20+ hours.

Gorgeous graphics with monotonous gameplay, that's really sad to know.

It is what it is I guess. On to the next!

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 last month  

I guess assassin creed series fares better then. atleast by the time you get bored, you might have completed the game by then.

makes you wonder where the balance between simplicity and tediousness stands. lik I completed god of war 2018 and it wasn't tedious even if all you do is fighting, fighting and more fighting, the puzzles and storytelling in the boat helped a lot I think. but after beating Sigrun, I felt accomplished and uninstalled it. game of the year definitely worth it.

I guess.... the side quests lore.. should matter. right?

 last month  

Noo my friend it's a game that I had it over my head to play at some point but I'm really glad that you gave your real opinion about it, then it will be my turn to draw my own conclusion but it's good to know this so you won't be disappointed. You tried hahaha we all know you tried to finish it.

I've heard A LOT of things about this game (mostly how beautiful it is actually) so it's nice to finally read something that talks about how it actually plays. For me gameplay is important, some of my favorite games are as ugly as sin but have a refreshing loop. Thanks for the review, this game has gone down on my priority list of "things to try". Hope you are doing well out there man. Cheers.

So sad 😞

The side missions however are all quite atrocious.

Although I did enjoy this game and completed it, I agree with most of what you said above. For me the worst part of the game was the few and far between (thankfully) stealth missions that you would have to start over if someone so much as glanced in your direction.

It is a lovely game but indeed, combat is repetitive. I would say the only truly interesting foe was one I only encountered a few times. It was a shamen type of person the would seriously strengthen any of his team that he was focusing on. This briefly introduced some unique element of combat because you really needed to take him out first or you were probably going to lose.

The side missions were bad. I stopped bothering with them after a while because there are just so many of them and often, the reward at the end was something totally stupid. For most, I would say to just go through the main story. The intense amount of walking is something I could do without at well. Sometimes open world is a bit too open.