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RE: OUTRIDERS - A follow up

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

I've been trying the Trickster to. It was fun from the get go but I didn't play it for long. Should pick it back up or go try out one of the other two. I'm just enjoying the Pyro so much. I've been reading snippets. Skipping most of it until I got to the forest and desert. It's a good mix of boring and interesting.


The trickster seems interesting to me as well. Also the sniper class. cant remember the name. Pyro has been pretty fun. Ive read all of the lore to this point. Its been interesting and some of those pieces give more insight into the story. I havent been one to read the lore before, but I'm trying to be better about understanding the story of my games as of late.

I usually do that to but the whole human conflict didn’t interest me that much. The different mysteries of Enoch were awesome however