Blood For the Canvas | Layers of Fear - Episode 3 [Pusen Plays]

in Hive Gaming3 years ago (edited)

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Down we go into the hallways of madness. I really like how this game has no loading screens. The game loads while you're not looking and when you're in different rooms and they really give you the feeling that the house is changing around you. And it literally. You can look at something one second, turn around and back again and the room will be entirely different. The transitions are so smooth.

The story is starting to get more serious now. We get to learn more about the artists wife and her burn accident and at this point it's pretty safe to say that this was the main trigger for the artists madness. Apparently, not long after the accident, his art worsened and he became a laughing stock in the community. This probably escalated the situation.

We also almost get some first hand interaction with what I'm assuming is his dead wife. First we see a weird human shape in one of the floors as we're going up with the elevator then there's that incident with the knocking on the door and the cane suddenly stuck in the wall. I'm pretty sure we're gonna see more of this being eventually. She'll probably scare us to shit somewhere down the road.

We have now found a piece of skin and a bottle of blood. A skin for the canvas and blood for the paint. I have a feeling this is gonna turn into something even more grotesque as we go. Like he stills need a paint brush and I guess a palette or something. I don't want to think about what body parts we'll find next.

Enjoy the episode!

Previous Episodes

If you want to check out the earlier episodes in this series you can do so here:

Episode 1: PeakD | 3Speak
Episode 2: PeakD | 3Speak

Follow me on: 3Speak | PeakD | Hive.Blog

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Story seems to be coming together! For some reason, 3Speak is shitting the bed for me right now, and won't load the second half of the video - but I got to watch up to the dog collar and will hopefully get dang 3S to work correctly later tonight to finish the episode off.

Let's hope so! I've been having some issues myself with 3Speak at random times. 40 minute videos showing as 20 minutes and such. Quite annoying.

Yep, that's exactly what I'm seeing here. It loads the first 17 minutes, and as soon as it tries to load the rest it just totally fails. But I've already watched half and now I'm too invested to quit so I'm just going to stubbornly wait, refresh, try again until it works LOL

Hey, try this link: You can find it in the Download button in the 3Speak video.

It has the full video. We are working to solve this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sweet!! Thanks so much!

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