Level 40 SKILLS have never seemed so far away... Halftime SLUMP in Lost Relics??

in Hive Gaming3 years ago


Lost Relics is still my favorite play2earn game in terms of gameplay. No other blockchain-based game offers real-time gameplay at the quality of Lost Relics, at least not as far as I know.

I've still been plodding away at my weekly bounties, running dungeons a few hours a few hours per day. It isn't full-time grinding, but it's definitely a decent time investment of 10+ hours per week.

And right now... I'll be real, my skill progress is ABYSMAL!

Look at These Skill Levels

113 skill levels in relics.png

My skills are decent. They're just climbing very slowly.

The way that leveling in Lost Relics works, levels are very fast after you unlock a tool upgrade. Then, the closer you get to the next upgrade, the slower leveling gets... until you hit the next upgrade. Then, BOOM, you're in fast mode again.

That's because each gathering skill tool offers substantially more experience per resource node when upgraded.

As an example take a look at this grey mining tool.

114 grey pickaxe.png

115 grey pickaxe 2.png

The crude pickaxe only costs 35 gold in the marketplace because it isn't very powerful. You get +50exp (approximately) per mining node with this tool. Compare that to the next power level up, the green i.e. uncommon mining tool:

116 green pickaxe 1.png

117 durable pickaxe 2.png

This pickaxe costs substantially more -- over 10k gold -- because it offers ~200exp per mining node, thus allowing you to level up four times faster. HOWEVER. You can't use this tool until your mining skill reaches level 10.

That means levels 8 and 9 are excruciatingly slow. Just the other day @sartz was telling me how much he was pissed trying to level up from 9 to 10, its just so slow.

I'm in that place for the next level-ups: From green (uncommon) to blue (rare). I need 2-4 more levels for fishing, mining, and scavenging.

Those 2-4 levels are slow.... SLOW... S L O W!!!!!

So, I'm in the SLUMP. At least my woodcutting level is at 11, which means I just upgraded to the green version of my woodcutting tool and can get fast level-ups there.


I'm not sure what the punchline is here, except to say that I will be continuing to put in at least a few hours a day and working towards level 40 on all skills. That is my Lost Relics goal.

Overall my play2earn experience is more and more fun, although also more and more overwhelming. I find myself wanting to study more on Lost Relics, Axie Infinity, and Splinterlands. Plus there are new games and even entire new ecosystems to explore and learn about.

For now, all I can do is take it one day at a time.

How is your play2earn grind going?



so damn true man, the slow curve is killing i would pay shadow stones just to skip that, if only i could put the notification off for when i pass a level to not have to be looking at it when im close but yh one day at a time