Bonking Around on Spy Hunter for the NES

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

I recently watched the first episode of the original Knight Rider TV series on Netflix. While I've seen Knight Rider before I've never seen the first episode and it's been a long time since I watched the series.

It was fun. Refreshing in a way. They don't make TV shows like that anymore. Shows from that time tend to have a certain texture, whereas many of the newer shows tend to polish everything smooth.

It made me think of the classic game Spy Hunter, a game I've played quite a bit on the Commodore 64. I decided I wanted to play it again but instead of playing the C64 version I decided this time to play the NES version. You can tell it's the same idea with the same basic gameplay, but it's certainly its own game.




Oh man Knight Rider was so awesome. I remember they made a new version of the show a while back that was fun for a few episodes but quickly died off. I never tried that Spy Hunter game.

I've played both but I've played the Commodore 64 version a LOT more. From what I remember of the NES version, I liked the C64 version more.