Marvel Snap (2022) analysis: Decks and ranks... How about that?

in Hive Gaminglast year



In my last post within the Hive Gaming community I told you a little about "Marvel Snap", a fairly recent mobile card game that, being inspired by other titles of the genre such as Magic or Hearsthone, represented pleasant surprises for those of us who adore it. superheroes but we don't have many decent titles at our disposal.

I have dedicated an absurd amount of time to familiarize myself with its mechanics and general operation, and it is that despite the fact that Marvel Snap is a game with a simple structure, ironically this same simplicity ends up becoming a large number of strategies on the part of its small but loyal player base, in other words: It's easy to understand but hard to master.


Considering that its current season is about to end and my skills within the genre are pretty mediocre, I found it interesting to set a series of goals that would be challenging for me, but at the same time realistically achievable.

What were these goals? On the one hand, he wanted to work his way up the ranks until he reached "gold," a task that started out feeling pretty achievable but progressively got more and more difficult.


On the other hand, in a more abstract sense, I wanted to familiarize myself with its mechanics, trying to forge a relatively ambitious deck that would suit my playing style.

As I explained in my previous post, the advantage of Marvel Snap is that its decks are made up of only 12 cards with no possibility of including repeats, although it may sound quite limiting if we compare it with other games that handle 30 cards or more as standard, this leaves us quite a bit. space to experiment without being overwhelmed, in my case for example I like cards with continuous effects, regardless of the fact that their short-term benefits are not so substantial.


This minimalist nature mixed with the different arenas and their respective conditions serves to create very interesting situations where the dynamics we maintain with our opponents can change completely from one turn to another, something as simple as using Star Lord (A card with so only 2 power points that can add 2 more if we manage to locate it by guessing where our opponent will place his cards) gives a lot of complexity to what would be an empty game of rock paper scissors if it were otherwise.

Cards like Hulk or Abomination (Characterized by having very high power points and lacking effects) could be considered useless if there were no arenas that benefit from the lack of effects, and the same could be said of any other type of cards... The key is always versatility.


Perhaps my only criticism would be how cumbersome the process of acquiring new cards becomes as we progress, although it is possible to get a decent deck without having to pay real money, it is always questionable how linear the mechanism is, especially when we want to differentiate ourselves of the competition.

Regarding my rank, although I still haven't managed to reach the goal, I had to play an immense amount of games to even touch the silver rank... Honestly, I feel very satisfied with it, the matches are getting more and more challenging and they force me to create totally different strategies.





En mi último post dentro de la comunidad de Hive Gaming les hablé un poco sobre "Marvel Snap" un juego de cartas para móviles bastante reciente que, siendo inspirado por otros títulos del genero como Magic o Hearsthone, representaba una grata sorpresas para aquellos que adoramos los superhéroes pero no contamos con muchos títulos decentes a nuestra disposición.

He dedicado una cantidad absurda de tiempo a familiarizarme con sus mecánicas y funcionamiento general, y es que a pesar de que Marvel Snap se trata de un juego con una estructura sencilla, irónicamente esta misma simpleza termina deviniendo en una gran cantidad de estrategias por parte de su pequeña pero fiel base de jugadores, en otras palabras: Es fácil de entender pero difícil de dominar.


Considerando que su temporada actual se encuentra a punto de terminar y que mis habilidades dentro del género son bastante mediocres, me pareció interesante establecer una serie de metas que representaran un desafío para mí, pero que al mismo tiempo fuesen factibles en términos realistas.

¿Cuáles eran estás metas? Por un lado, quería ascender de rango hasta alcanzar el "oro", una tarea que empezó sintiéndose bastante alcanzable pero que progresivamente fue complicándose cada vez más.


Por otro lado, en un sentido más abstracto, quería familiarizarme con sus mecánicas, tratando de forjar un deck relativamente ambicioso que se adaptara a mi estilo de juego.

Cómo expuse en mi post anterior la ventaja de Marvel Snap es que sus decks están compuestos por solo 12 cartas sin posibilidad de incluir repetidas, aunque pueda sonar bastante limitante si lo comparamos con otros juegos que manejan 30 cartas o más como standard esto nos deja bastante espacio para experimentar sin llegar a hacernos sentir abrumados, en mi caso por ejemplo me gustan las cartas con efectos continuos, independientemente de que sus beneficios a corto plazo no sean tan sustanciosos.


Está naturaleza tan minimalista mezclada con las distintas arenas y sus respectivas condiciones sirve para crear situaciones muy interesantes en dónde la dinámica que mantenemos con nuestros contrincantes puede cambiar absolutamente de un turno a otro, algo tan simple como utilizar a Star Lord (Una carta con tan solo 2 puntos de poder que puede sumar 2 más si logramos ubicarla adivinando en dónde nuestro contrincante ubicará sus cartas) le brinda bastante complejidad a lo que resultaría un vacío juego de piedra papel o tijera si fuese otra de manera.

Las cartas como Hulk o Abomination (Caracterizadas por contar con puntos de poder muy altos y carecer de efectos) podrían tacharse de inútiles si no existieran arenas que benefician la ausencia de efectos, y lo mismo podríamos decir de cualquier otro tipo de cartas... La clave siempre es la versatilidad.


Quizá mi única crítica sería lo engorroso que se convierte el proceso de adquirir nuevas cartas a medida que avanzamos, aunque es factible hacerse de un mazo decente sin tener que pagar dinero real, siempre es cuestionable lo lineal que resulta el mecanismo, especialmente cuando queremos diferenciarnos de la competencia.

Respecto a mi rango, aunque aún no logré alcanzar la meta, tuve que jugar una cantidad inmensa de partidas para si quiera rozar el rango de plata... La verdad, me siento muy satisfecho con ello, los enfrentamientos cada vez son más desafiantes y me obligan a crear estrategias totalmente diferentes.



Twitter/Instagram/Letterbox: Alxxssss



I have always loved the genre of trading cards games, especially when it is on a digital side of it, because it allows so many functionalities, and It has so much in its favor, but as time goes by, and I see more card games been added to the list I often see how they kind of copy or clone positive aspects of other card games and leave them to be, with no innovation under their armpit, and I think this one is one of those, because I played it like a week ago, and I saw nothing new, just the same old game mechanics I have seen in different places, still, it is a good game, I just hope they risk it and make a few new stuff in it, it would be cool.

You think so? I haven't played that many titles between the genre, mainly Hearthstone and some basics Yu-Gi-Oh games

Oh, you have not played Gwent? Magic the gathering? Or any of the pokemon tcg games?

Nah 😭 I'm pretty curious about Gwent tho, is it good?

It is, it is kind of crazy with is mechanics, but is extremely good :)

This is what makes card games good. The game has to get harder and harder and you have to come up with different strategies. We'll see if you can reach the golden set, but you'll have to work hard for it.

Yes! And I love that, without an effort is not that exciting

Con qué otro juego cartas lo compararías, osea, a nivel de complejidad, se parecería a un axie infinity? o a un heathstone? magic? yugioh? o es aún más simple que cualquiera de esos?, aunque me llama la atención un poco, no estoy tan interesado, hasta el mismo yugioh me tiene un poco harto, la versión actual es un rollo con todos sus efectos de cartas, hasta 10 cosas pueden pasar en una sola fase xd.

Es un Hearsthone con un par de ajustes, un deck más pequeño y más enfoque en sumar puntos que en enfrentarnos a nuestros contrincantes, es raro pero simple 😅

Sounds like a hard game. Do you earn anything from this game? Is this a play2earn type game?

Yes! It's relatively easy, and no, you dont need to spend money in order to progress 👍

I wasn't talking about spending money. I was asking about if you can earn money by playing it.