Dominating MW3 Shipment | Modern Warfare 3

in Hive Gaming5 months ago


How are you folks doing today? I hope you're all doing well. And I hope you're ready for some ludicrous gameplay on the new Modern Warfare 3 Shipment map. It's a crazy map, that has become crazier thanks to MW3 and its new fast-paced additions.
After the release of MW2 last year we kept on asking for faster movement and "better" TTK.
Now, the TTK is quite alright, but the movement is crazy. It reminds me of the movement from the original 2019/2020 Modern Warfare/Warzone when we had the buffed-up stim slide glitch, but this time you don't need any stims or glitches, you just need the right gear. The stims are there too, if you want to add a bit more flare to your movement health.

So? Let's get to it...


Modern Warfare 3 is identical to Modern Warfare 2, it's a 50% reskin, but you can't deny that this thing is polished. Modern Warfare 3 is what Modern Warfare 2 should've been. And compared to what I played in the beta, the game is now certainly more polished, smooth, and synergetic.

Yes, there are broken elements present, and that is expected. Is it even COD without a broken weapon or two?

We still have access to the weapons and maps of Modern Warfare 2, but the weapons and attachments in the new game feel much better. I haven't mastered any of it yet though. After playing a slow a*s game like Modern Warfare 2 for a year, it takes time to get used to such fast speeds, but it's just a matter of time and practice now.

It's not like I've never played fast-paced games. I started my competitive FPS journey with Apex, and all this is nothing compared to Apex Legends. But I can't deny that I am a bit rusty, because I haven't been playing as much. I logged into the game after almost 10 days after getting the game.

Tonight the new Warzone mode and map are dropping, and I can't wait to try it. Because at the end of the day, Warzone is the deciding factor. It brings in the most players because it's free, and boosts the sales for the original Multiplayer/Campaign game.

But I am most hyped about the Resurgence maps, especially the most anticipated comeback of Rebirth Island. They say Rebirth will be added to the game again, but I have my doubts though.

I got Modern Warfare 3 just 2 days ago, and for now, it remains a gift from our chief, but I will have to pay him back soon. If not for him, I'd probably have to wait a month more to get the game, and by then it would've been too late. I'm already behind in the race, most players have already unlocked all the best weapons, and camos too.

So, I have a lot of catching up to do.

Yet, I do have a loadout ready, just for Warzone; thanks to all those Double XP tokens that were transferred to the new game.

That's about it I guess. As we get back into the Warzone again, I will try and keep you folks updated. I can't promise regular updates and uploads, but every week to 10 days you can expect a gameplay video.

I'll be signing off from here then, be seeing you all on the next one. You folks take care now.

Cheers & GG 🥃☮️



Thanks for sharing this game with us
Is it also a play to earn game or what?

It has some pay-to-win elements. And the only you can earn is by participating in tournaments.