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RE: What's going on with my post rewards???

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

Having been "in here" long enough to understand your point here @acidyo ...

"It's our responsibility to not take them personal though and use them with love and spread them around nicely so the authors don't have a reason to take them personally to begin with."

... I will just write this brief appeal to you, as one of the major "influencers" here, to encourage you to support those downvoting to leave a brief comment of explanation for the recipient. The "heavier" the downvote, the more helpful this becomes. For the majority of authors, I see reference to this over and over ...

Investing those few extra seconds helps considerably with the "... not take them personal ..."

Thank you, in advance, for your consideration of my appeal.


Sure it's nice when they do but it's not like we're expecting upvoters to do so either.

Yes @acidyo, I appreciate that. And understand. This is the "standard response" ...

My appeal is based upon the simple fact that very few of our fellow Hivers / Hivians view them the same way. As I believe we all well know, from all of the interactions we see on the topic.

My own view is we would all help add value to our fellow Hivers / Hivians experience on their individual "journeys," if we extend them the "professional courtesy" which I have appealed for you to consider.

Thank you.