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RE: 42 minutes of Life

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

I kind of glazed out at "Diamond" because I am not even getting into Gold these days XD (though I technically could if I'd actually play the dailies daily, I'm not even doing that atm)

Congratulations on getting there :)

And it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that you prefer "the other side" of playing Splinterlands XD (I avoid that side, too many more numbers involved x_x)


I rented quite a few supplement cards to get the deck at least somewhat competitive, but I think a lot of it was luck last night.

I don't get much through the daily quests, but I guess in time it builds a pretty decent collection. There are people who have never bought anything and have heaps of stuff!

I wonder how many people play because of the other side of the game?