Stash of Magic

in Hive Gaming7 months ago

My uncle passed away last September (...this should be another post...) and so as I'm about to finish sorting out his belongings at home, I came upon my own stored belongings which was kept in the spandrel ('room under the stairs').

There were 2 boxes of mine and I was very happy to rediscover what has been stored for more than a decade.


I almost had written off my cards thinking it might have been damaged and/or thrown out as a lay person may not know its value. Though I still wished I can rediscover my cards and by that time prices would go up astronomically. If the legendary 'Black Lotus' card can command almost half a million dollars, what about others cards that got released just a few years after that? Wishful thinking, I know.

I played Magic: The Gathering mostly during my elementary years, starting with the 4th Edition, and it was around the Urza's Saga edition wherein I completely stopped. Upon checking online pricing guides, I learned that the core edition cards doesn't hold much value given the probability of reprints. What actually held better value are the expansion sets.

As an example from my screenshot above, I see that the Sylvan Library is priced around $20 while Stasis is $4.5 a piece. I thought they would command a high price because of just being 'old'. But I did discover few cards that commanded a price range between $50-$100 which was a pleasant surprise. :)

What is interesting is that in-demand and costly cards before may not necessarily be what is being sold at a high price now. Probably due to meta changes. I have yet to scan through and log the full cost of the cards that I have now. While I do plan to sell them, I'm not in a rush.

Some NBA Cards -- Shawn Kemp

Before I went to Magic cards, it was actually NBA cards that got hyped up first. I bought several packs and learned that it's better to build a collection. I chose Shawn Kemp as my brother was a fan of Seattle Supersonics. I have yet to see if these have value haha.

Regardless of the prices of the cards, I still owe a huge part of my childhood to this game. Even credit it to the improvement of my vocabulary. It was also funny that an elder churchmate wanted to confiscate it and declare the cards to be satanic. :P

Memories are priceless indeed. :)

How about you? Any stashed item that you have found that actually had so much value?


I never knew MTG was a thing back then in the Philippines. Looks like your cards are well kept.

It was big back then. I stopped because it was becoming too costly for a student. That's where my lunch money went to lol. Minsan kahit bananacue na lang lunch ko hahaha

Hahahahahahaha i knew it! these cards were too expensive for a student but oh well, it’s fun! 😅

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Well yes, I have stashed magic cards back from the unlimited set and all through its history. I have been playing off and on for 30 years! Although I guess they were never really stashed away and forgotten about, but I did have some boxes of sealed sets that I forgot about owning, so when I checked the prices of these old sealed sets like From the Vault and San Diego Comic Con bundles, I was very pleasantly surprised by their current value! More Splinterlands cards for me once they sell!

Wow, I found it difficult to get back since there had been a lot of rules and skills introduced I felt it's hard to keep up. But I really give credit to this game, happy for it to be part of my childhood. Wish I could have started earlier to have been able to get Alpha/Beta cards! This is also the reason why I'm going big on Splinterlands.

Dude I had those also, actually a ton of MTG, Star Trek, Star Wars, Vampire and a few other games not to mention those NBA cards, that brings back a lot of good memories. Maybe if I ever make it back to the UK I can also get the dust off, I wouldn't mind a game of MTG :)

Yeah, there were really a lot of CCGs back then, but MTG has really been the most established one and still going strong even until now. I hope Splinterlands become the same, if not better being in Web3. :)

i used to play that game i love the draws and the design of the cards :D

Yes, I have friends who were colleting cards based on the artists as well.