in Hive Gaming2 years ago

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Hello my friends from hive, today I will play GTAV, I gathered two of my friends to help me with a mission in which we have to steal a very valuable tequila on an island owned by a dangerous drug trafficker, the plan is to infiltrate the island jumping from a plane with a parachute and it took us a few tries because they discovered us and we had to start again
we had to be very careful because if the guards saw us they would shoot us and if we died we lost the mission
The next step of the plan was to land near the tower where the uniforms that we would use to mislead the guards and the cameras were, but we had to be careful because if the guards saw us for a long time they would shoot us.
The next thing we had to do, once we had the uniforms, was to go to the stores and steal the drug from the drug dealer that we could sell for a lot of money, but we had to be careful with the guards that were around the entire island and the patrol cars that came from time to time. and the snipers who watched from the towers a very difficult mission
then we use a truck to go unnoticed on the island and get to the drug dealer's mansion where the guards let us pass without problems
Once inside, the guards would realize that something is wrong if they see us near the tequila, so we had to kill them to be able to steal the access cards that would allow us to steal the drug dealer's gold, I also had to hack the elevator that He directed us to the basement where they kept the tequila

then with the plasma cutter cut the glass and steal the tequila
I also stole the gold
Once the tequila and the gold were stolen, the only thing left to do was escape from the island swimming and be careful with the guards so they didn't see us and at the end of this mission they paid me more than a million so I'm more than happy, it was a somewhat complex mission but so much fun to do

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Hola mis amigos de hive el dia de hoy jugare gtaV, reuni a dos amigos mios para que me ayudaran con una mision en la que tenemos que robar un tequila muy valioso en una isla propiedad de un peligroso narcotraficante, el plan es infiltrarnos en la isla lanzandonos de un avion con paracaidas y nos tomo unos intentos por que nos descubrieron y tuvimos que iniciar de nuevo


tuvimos que tener mucho cuidado ya que si los guardias nos veian nos disparaban y si moriamos perdiamos la mision


el siguiente paso del plan era caer cerca de la torre donde estaban los uniformes que utilizariamos para despistar a los guardias y a las camaras, pero teniamos que tener cuidadado ya que si los guardias nos veian por mucho tiempo nos disparaban

lo siguiente que teniamos que hacer ya teniendo los uniformes era ir a los almacenes y robar la droga del narcotraficante que podiamos vender por mucho dinero pero teniamos que tener cuidado con los guardias que rondaban por toda la isla y los coches patrulla que venian cada cierto tiempo y los francotiradores que vigilaban desde las torres una mision muy dificil

luego usamos un camion para pasar desapercibidos por la isla y llegar a la mansion del narcotraficante donde los guardias nos dejaron pasar sin problemas

una vez dentro los guardias se iban a dar cuenta que algo anda mal si nos ven cerca del tequila asi que tubimos que matarlos para poder robarles las tarjetas de acceso que nos iban a permitir robar el oro del narcotraficante, tambien tube que hakear el acensor que nos dirigia al sotano donde guardaban el tequila
luego con la cortadora de plasma corte el cristal y robe el tequila
tambien robe el oro
una vez robado el tequila y el oro solo quedo escapar de la isla nadando y con cuidado con los guardias que no nos vieran y al final de esta mision me pagaron mas de un millon asi que estoy mas que contento, fue una mision un poco compleja pero muy divertida de hacer

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Hey dude, welcome to the Hive and Hive Gaming community. GTA 5 is amazing with a lot of features. It has quite amazing online mode too.

Here are something more amazing. Hive is a social media platform and you need to engage with other people. If you visit their post, read them and leave a related comment, they will visit your post back. Engagement is one of the keys. Please consider this suggestion and have a nice day!

thanks I will take it into account

I agree about with what @incublus suggested about engagement. And you should do that.
In this way, you'll learn a lot of things and you may find good friends as well.
I came here to read your post as well.

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It looks like a very difficult mission. And its funny that you stole the tequila as well. Was stealing tequila a part of the mission as well?

tequila was the primary objective and gold secondary objectives

And I was thinking the opposite, lol.

A job well done is its own reward, in this case, this is quite blatantly the way it goes jajaja, good one, hope to see more GTA stuff coming out fresh out of your oven, see you around :D