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RE: My PS5 View Is Ready And Empty To Be Blessed

I stopped playing games for 15 years...and then last year I decided to get a PS3 and catch up....EVERY USED GAME COSTS $2-5 in Japan! I bought 25 games for the price of 1 at the original price.

Assasin's Creed 2 and onward were the most engaging. Final Fantasy 13 a bit of a let down, but you can play FFX and that's a great game (I played it already). Kingdom Hearts was a bit addictive, not as fun as I remember but worth playing. Grand Theft Auto 5 was fun! Ni No Kuni is basically Ghibli turned into a game. Drakengard 3 and Nier were amazing (though Nier is better on PS4 of course). Got Uncharted and Farcry 3 just to try some more American style games (though I prefer Japanese) The most I spent on a game was $12, when originally they cost $65, most were $3.

If you don't have a particular game you want to play and want to try a bunch of different stuff without spending too much money, I recommend PS2 or PS3 and looking for the cheapest used games, It's a hell of a lot more bang for your buck. I'm not cool though lol, if you want to be cool, get a PS5 I guess ;-P


I'm not cool though lol, if you want to be cool, get a PS5 I guess ;-P

I will go with I’m not cool too 😂 PS5 seems to be high atm so I might go with ps4. I heard soccer on ps3 seem to be far from civilization when compared to ps4’s version.

And thank you for those games listed. I’ll get some from the list. Grand theft auto will definitely be among.

I got a ps4 too lol. I was too obsessed with the Nier soundtrack, I had to play Autamata. And more assasins creed and final fantasy. There’s probably a lot of other good stuff that I don’t know still but I’m waiting for the price of games to go down so I can buy a ton of them.