[Game Review]Control - a Riddle Inside an Enigma

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

The Remedy Shoot Control game was finally launched and I got to experience it on the PlayStation 4. Let's immerse myself in the mystery and enigma.

Control - a Riddle Inside an Enigma

Plot -


You embody Jess who entered America's control agency in the heart of New York, is in search of her brother who disappeared in her youth and wants to get answers from this secret agency for her brother's disappearance and events that took place in her hometown of the United States. Without planning it, she for a moment becomes the new director of the agency and gets swallowed up in a battle against supernatural forces and a mystery between intricate dimensions.

From the first scene the game felt very mysterious and tense. Maybe because I knew in the end they were going to kill me, but the game managed to catch me unprepared in terms of plot, both in its tension and in its complexity. The first moments when you walk through the agency's empty offices and see bloodstains, somehow perfectly capturing the atmosphere and supernatural tension of Stellani Kubrick's films ("The Spark," "2001: Space Odyssey"), whether it was intentional or not, it is A great element that gives the game a unique shade.


The world the game creates is not as massive as Horizon Zero Dawn or Witcher 3, because this is a fictional game and not an open world, but the reality it creates feels equally big and real with parallel reality, tools that control reality and a living building that constantly changes its shape. The universe this game creates feels so complex and interesting that I found myself reading every document in the game (something I never do) and would happily watch a full series in this universe, as Remedy tried to do with Quantom Break.

Control is a 10-12 hour game and if a game does not concentrate on creating a huge world and a game that lasts for about 100 hours, it should concentrate on providing us with a fascinating story that will stay with us and we want to return to it and Control does without a doubt, one of the fascinating and intriguing stories I got from a video game For the past decade and I wouldn't be surprised if we get a sequel.


Gaming -

As we have seen in all of Control's gaming publications, your heroine uses a gun and she accumulates all kinds of abilities.

At first you are with the gun that does not require ammunition and constantly recharges, the gun can be upgraded with various shooting modes such as shotgun and machine gun, and over time you get more real-life objects, like a Cold War floppy floppy that allows you to move things with your brain or safe deposit box You have the ability to create a shield. You use those abilities and your gun to kill people infected by something Jess calls The Hiss, like a thought-out virus that takes over all the agency's employees and is equipped with various weapons, can fly or be bullies that are hard to kill.


Although the games shown in the trailers make it look easy, the fights are not easy and you have to be careful about the clashes between you and the enemy. Lucky that Jess can move almost like any third-person shooting game, she can find another powerful object that lets her move quickly and there are points of guard she activates in various places in the building as she returns it to its constant and unchanging state. In addition, throughout the game, you find abilities and upgrades for your heroine, which improves her chances of success and even upgrades your gun's shooting abilities.

Unfortunately, many times I have died in the game because control is not smooth and aiming with the gun is often difficult, it is not that the control of the game is as bad as many third-party games I have experienced but is not as good as other games we have played in style. In addition, there are moments when our heroine is drawn to the astral plane where she has to navigate blocks of stone on which she jumps and control is not smooth enough for it to be fun, so luckily it is not the focus of the game.

At the end of Control Gaming Day matches the plot of the game and despite some rough control that requires a bit of polishing, it is very fun and makes you feel like a tough Jedi knight with a gun (Jess doesn't see Ray in the eye).


The Graphics -

Control's graphics and design are very excellent.

The overall design of the game, the characters and the surroundings are a little inspired by the studio's Quantom Break game and with elements from a number of favorite science fiction movies.


Something that Remedy implemented like Quantom Break is the use of real actors in some scenes, but instead of making it boring with a long series, it's applied like Hellblade, with real-life actors or scenes, and it works great with the graphics Of the game and that is an element I would like to see while playing in the industry. Of course this option is very dependent on good graphics and like Hellblade Control has very good graphics.

The graphics are just great, especially when you bring destruction during the fight. The developers have given physics to every object in the area and it's just a tremendous show as a shooting war between you and some flying creature begins. But with a lot of particles comes a bit of slowdown as well and I experienced during my game on the PlayStation 4 a bit of slowdown on the screen in the amount of frames and there were several times that the game's map did not load. In any case, I do not foresee this problem pop up for the players of the Pro or PC consoles and graphically the game is simply beautiful to the eye thanks to good textures, great lighting and detailed environment, and weight.


The Sound -

The sound level is similar to the great graphics. All the sound effects in the game are great and detailed with the sounds of breaking stones and pages being called every time you use your abilities. Also, the voices you whisper during your journey as you continue to approach the other reality are chilling and reinforce your sense of tension and science fiction.

The dubbing also does a great job of making all the weird things that sound pretty logical, like in any science fiction series, and Jess's dubbing manages to feel cool but also stressed at the same time.

The music of the game doesn't show up too much but when it is as chilling as it should be and it fits the world the game has created and helps us swallow it, and there are 2 memorable songs in the game (Madness by Ruelle and Take Control) that when I finished the game I came back to hear them several times like I came back to hear Late Goodbye (a Poets of the Fall song that also has a song here) after I finished Max Payne 2 (another game of Remedy).


In Conclusion -

I do not usually say this about games, although it is very popular to say it at the moment, but to me Control is Gem, an excellent and unique game that does not get enough attention.

Although its graphics can overload the system and slow down, the cool gameplay, the wonderful and detailed graphics, the precise dubbing and the chilling and unique plot make Control one of the most unique and excellent games I've played in this generation.


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Source: Here
(Translated from Hebrew to English by ME).
The original author is: Kobi Rozental.


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