[Game Review]Jumanji - The Video Game

in Hive Gaming4 years ago (edited)

After a great movie coming out nearly two years ago and another movie coming up, does Jumanji: The Video Game convey the movie experience properly? Or is it about another movie-based medium game?

Jumanji - The Video Game

Gamers all over the world are familiar with the well-known formula that says it's best to avoid a movie-based game. He'll probably be worse. " Whether it is a successful blockbuster movie or a failed movie, most movie-based games were mediocre and below. About two years ago a movie came out that actually constituted a sequel to Jumanji from 1995. You can read what we thought about this movie here. Not long ago, a game that was supposed to put us in the shoes of the four heroes of the movie was revealed and give us the feeling as if we were entering the world of Jumanji. Now the question is whether Jumanji: The Video Game really makes us feel like we're part of the giant wild jungle? well no.

Plot -

The plot of the game is supposed to put us in the shoes of one of the four heroes we knew in the movie: Smolder Braveston, Sheldon “Shelly” Oberon, Ruby Roundhouse and Franklin “Moss” Finbar. For starters, the plot doesn't really exist. You will find yourself choosing a stage from familiar areas of the film, choosing one character from the four characters, and just going through the stage. I would understand if the stages had a certain plot order or there was a story mode that would allow us to open the stages and areas as we progressed in the game, but in fact all the stages and four characters are already available from the beginning. You could say I expected the plot to be sparse and faithful to the movie plot, but I didn't expect it to exist at all. Which is pretty disappointing. After going through the training phase, I could simply choose whether to continue to the next area by "story" or skip to the last area.


The game -

Contrary to a plot that did not exist at all, gaming actually does exist. But it is also very poor. Once you choose your character and the area you want to play, you will enter the stage that you will need to collect the Jumanji objects scattered throughout the stage, but in practice it is simply a linear game that is divided into the object finding area and then the fight zone against bad guys and back. This repetitive sequence starts to get tired at some point and I hoped that maybe towards the end of the area, after I had collected all the parts of Jumanji at the stage in question, I would go into a fight against a boss or face a more difficult challenge to end the stage, but no. Jumanji: The Video Game feels like Disney games that were coming out in the late 90s and early 2000s. Low in gameplay and exist to be a companion product to the movie. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. I guess there are some who just want to play their favorite characters from the movie, and that's fine.


The Graphics -

The graphics of the game felt reasonable to me. Like the graphics we could find in the Playstation 3 game if it came out about 10 years ago. The areas in the game are very repetitive, but during play do feel that they tried to recreate the landscapes and visuals that were in the film, which is very impressive in my opinion. The jungle looks like the jungle in the movie, the market looks like the movie in the movie, and the frozen mountain looks like the frozen mountain in the movie. In this respect Jumanji: The Video Game does a pretty good job of recreating the landscapes we saw in the movie, only with slightly outdated graphics. It could very well be that if the game came out on the previous generation console, the graphics could have been considered something groundbreaking or breathtaking. But since this is a game released by the current console generation, it doesn't do the best job of having breakthrough or blown-out graphics. In my opinion a game based on a visually spectacular movie could have been a little more effortless.


Sound and Music -

I think the strongest side of the game is its sound and sounds. For a pleasant start, the game was especially catchy for me and helped me a little to get into Jumanji's atmosphere. In addition, it's important to note that each of the four characters in the game sounds just like the movie. I don't know if the actors came to like the characters, but whether or not each character felt authentic and loyal to her representation in the film. Beyond that, the soundtrack itself was great. Each stage got its own pleasant, which is something extraordinary in my opinion. Acoustic shots and bombs sounded particularly authentic and appropriate, and I think it is safe to say that sound is the strongest part of the game.


In Conclusion -

Most movie-based games come out medium and below, and unfortunately Jumanji: The video Game is no different. This is not a particularly brilliant game, but in practice it is not terrible at all. If you choose to play it, consider that this is a very short game. Most of the plot is not exactly there, and every game area is basically able to finish in a maximum of 15 minutes, you will need about an hour and a half to finish all areas of the game, and basically the entire game in its entirety. I think it's a very welcome move. The game itself is very repetitive and each stage, although different from others, simply repeats and the style of play does not change at any stage. At every stage and every region you will find themselves looking for parts of Jumanji and defeating bad and repetitive characters, so in my opinion the very fact that the game is so short makes up for the fact that it is a game… pretty boring. I think if this game had gone out to the previous console generation or even two after, it might have been engraved as a nice and happy childhood memory. But after an hour and a half you play and finish it, you probably don't want to go back to it and it will stay installed with you on your console or computer and forget about it a few hours or a few days later. I don't think it's a bad game, it's just a light and fast game that will give you a fun hour with the characters from the great movie, and maybe the game will put you back into the atmosphere for the new movie.

Jumanji: The Video Game is now available for the Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC consoles.

Gameplay :

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Source: Here
(Translated from Hebrew to English by ME).
The original author is: Tzahi Knavski


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