Game Review - The Surge 2

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

The post is translated from hebrew to english.
Source: Here

The original author is: Roei han.

The Surge first came out in 2017 and brought to the table a unique battle system and interesting story, but at the same time received disagreements among the cast. Now comes The Surge 2, which is trying to make what its predecessor did even better, but does it stand the test of success?

The Surge 2

Let's start with a slight disclosure and the fact that I really but really disliked The Original Surge. He seemed too complicated to me, too cumbersome and not at all clear. But when I heard and saw the trailers and the preliminary publication of The Surge 2, I thought it might be worth giving this series another chance. The story looked interesting, the graphics looked fine and this time Deck13 Interactive seemed to be doing a good job developing the game.

Then the game came to me and I was very curious to play, and I soon discovered that there was nothing new under the sun in The Surge.

Let's start with what is “The Surge 2”. So the game is an RPG action game that allows us to control a robotic skeleton man on his various journeys around the city of Jericho. The game is an unashamed Souls-like game, and most of the different systems a customer game has are completely identical to most of the familiar Souls-like games of the day, so if you're less attached to the style, The Surge 2 might not be for you.

The gameplay of The Surge 2 is simple - you walk around the game world, fighting enemies, collecting Souls (I mean .. Tech Scrap) and other objects. After wandering around the city and gathering resources, you can use Medbay, which will help you improve your hero's abilities, level up with the Tech Scrap you gathered, connect your character with new and more powerful pieces of armor, and prepare new objects.
As befits a Souls-like game, if you die while wandering around the city you will lose all the Tech Scrap you carried and have to collect it for a short period of time before disappearing, making the game especially challenging if you lost your booty when you fought a murderous boss and threatened.

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