Let's Play Apeiron

in Hive Gaming2 months ago


A few weeks ago I played in an Apeiron tournament hosted by Avocadodao. I only made it to the quarterfinals but the great news is I was able to win a planet NFT from a raffle for participating in the tournament. This planet NFT is worth over 200 bucks and I received it this week. I decided to use it to play for the open beta leaderboard season 2. The season ends in about 7 days and it only took me two days to reach celestial which is the second highest rank below divine.



The gameplay is actually quite straightforward but the different types of setups is what makes the game complex. There is a skill tree that develops into different build paths but you can only choose up to the amount of skill points you have and this is different for each planet. There's also some that can gain access to certain skills without developing through the skill tree. In this skill tree, you have to choose 3 skills for your god. Outside of that, you also have to choose your apostles which also come with their own skills.

The games are best out of three and the objective is to kill the opponent god. From what I've seen, there's quite a diversity in builds that can be played with different win conditions in mind. Personally, I like to either play a stall type of playstyle or just focus the enemy god and go for a quick win.




There's daily rewards but I don't think it's worth much. Most people have their eyes on the season end rewards. Currently, I fall under the 1001-2000 category which will be getting 125 APRS. APRS at the moment is 39 cents so I will be earning around 50 dollars provided APRS price maintains. I think these are pretty good rewards from playing a game. Imagine if you're in the top 50, that's almost 1200 USD. With such a big prize, it's no wonder there are a lot of good players and grinders trying to get high up in the leaderboard.


In conclusion, this game is quite fun and has a lot of potential. I also think the gameplay is quite unique compared to the other web3 games around at the moment. If you're interested in trying this game out, Avocadodao is having a scholarship program. They will give you an account with a planet and later on apostles with good IVs if you become a good player. You can also play with the seed planet and apostles which are completely free to use. If I'm not mistaken, you can also use it to climb the leaderboard and earn prizes. I've seen some good players just using those and they are in the top 2000. Anyways, that's all from me. Happy gaming!

You can check out the socials below! Game is downloadable on Epic Games.

Website - https://marketplace.apeironnft.com/battle-demo/download/
Apeiron Discord - https://discord.gg/apeiron-doodaria

Avocado DAO Discord - https://discord.gg/avocadoguild

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