5 Free To Play games that I would recommend with my eyes closed [ 5 juegos Free To Play que recomendaria con los ojos cerrados ]

in Hive Gaming2 years ago


Video games have always been one of my favorite pastimes since I was a kid but with time and prices going through the roof I have found that it is also an expensive activity for most gamers, to be buying that game from your favorite developer at 60$ only to find out that it still lacks work to fix the bugs has inclined me much more in practices like downloading games or more recently playing Free-to-play games that have become a more than viable alternative for many players to play quality games without spending a penny, I will be recommending in this post some of these games that you can download right now and you can start playing them and enjoy them without paying absolutely nothing.

Note: some of these games I haven't played them but I have been watching gameplays and following all the updates around them for years so I can assure that they will be liked by more than one of you around here.

Unreal Tournament

One of the most classic shooters, initially released in 2004 Unreal was one of the multiplayer shooter sensations for many years and I can even say that along with Counter Strike they have been guilty of bringing the FPS genre into the mainstream, in EPIC GAMES you can play its initial version completely free although I was also seeing that the studio responsible for the game still patches and some new content to the game to keep it current among players, and in case you were wondering, yes, Unreal Tournament is named after the engine to create video games, in fact this title was born to test this graphics engine and show how far I could get for those years.

Rocket League, one of my favorites to watch.

One of the games that recently I have been hooked watching gameplays and masterful plays is this soccer simulator with cars, is a simple and effective premise, men like soccer and cars so a combination of these two with an extra of epicity would not be bad, and the best thing is that it is free even though it has some pretty high requirements for many computers.

Rogue Company

A third person shooter is hard to refuse for me as it is one of my favorite genres and although Rogue Company is not the best in terms of design if it has a strong multiplayer component having a solid foundation as well as the ability to cross play with other consoles which is a great advantage if you want your game is always with players playing, the game is quite entertaining to play even if it is a typical third person shooter.


It is the closest thing to having a race with your toy cars only that the Ubisoft game does quite well to offer a multiplayer that stands out for the fun it is, trackmania is a car racing game with quarterly updates even after the game has completed 2 years since the release of its remake of the classic trackmania, certainly one of the most recommended to play even if only to try it.


I remember many years ago when this game was on everyone's lips, I think it is one of the first Hero Shooter that came on the market and who would have thought it would be one of the most established genres of recent years, if I could describe this game would say that it is like a game of Counter Strike but in which we can choose persoajes with different powers as well as have tactics with the powers of our partners, each character has a different way of playing and that works very well when it comes to giving variety to each game.

Extra: Fortnite

I can not close a post about free games that deserve to be tested without the global sensation that has been Fortnite, and from the beginning it was seen that the game of Epic Games was going to be a revolution in all areas of the video game but what has been achieved with each season without barely losing players (rather wins them every month) is worth at least try, is a third person shooter that has tints of battle royale but has been built in such a way that has a myriad of other game modes that we can play with friends.

I hope that some of these games arouse your curiosity and try them, I have compiled some of those that in my opinion are the best that you can get for free but I would really like to know more games that can be played without spending anything, I say goodbye a greeting.



Los videojuegos siempre han sido uno de mis pasatiempos favoritos desde niño pero con el tiempo y los precios subiendo como la espuma he encontrado que es tambien una actividad costosa para la mayoria de los que la practican, estar comprando ese juego de tu desarrollador favorito en 60$ solo para descubrir que aun le falta trabajo para tapar los bugs me ha inclinado mucho mas en practicas como la descarga de juegos o mas recientemente jugar juegos Free-to-play que han llegado a convertirse en una alternativa mas que viable para que muchos jugadores puedan jugar a juegos de calidad sin gastarse ni un centavo, estare recomendando en este post algunos de estos juegos que puedes descargar ahora mismo y puedes empezar a jugarlos y disfrutarlos sin pagar absolutamente nada.

Nota: algunos de estos juegos no los he jugado pero llevo años viendo gameplays y siguiendo todas las actualizaciones alrededor de ellos por lo que puedo asegurar que seran del agrado de mas de uno por aca.

Unreal Tournament

Uno de los clasicos mas clasicos de los shooters, lanzado inicialmente en 2004 Unreal fue una de las sensaciones del shooter multijugador por muchos años y hasta puedo decir que junto con Counter Strike han sido culpables de lanzar a la corriente mainstream el genero de FPS, en EPIC GAMES puedes jugar su version inicial de forma completamente gratis aunque tambien estuve viendo que el estudio responsable aun saca parches y algo de nuevo contenido al juego para mantenerlo vigente entre los jugadores, y por si se lo preguntaban, si, Unreal Tournament se llama asi por el motor para crear videojuegos, de hecho este titulo nacio para probar este motor grafico y demostrar hasta donde podia llegar por aquellos años.

Rocket League, uno de mis favoritos de ver

Uno de los juegos que recientemente me he sentido enganchado viendo gameplays y jugadas magistrales es este simulador de futbol con autos, es una premisa simple y efectiva, a los hombres les gusta el futbol y los autos asi que una combinacion de estos dos con un extra de epicidad no estaria nada mal, y lo mejor es que es gratis a pesar de que tiene algunos requisitos bastante altos para muchas computadoras.

Rogue Company

Un shooter en tercera persona es dificil de rechazar para mi ya que es uno de mis generos favoritos y aunque Rogue Company no sea el mejor en cuanto a diseño si que tiene un fuerte componente multijugador teniendo unas bases solidas asi como la posibilidad de hacer cross play con otras consolas lo cual es una gran ventaja si quieres que tu juego este siempre con jugadores jugando, el juego es bastante entretenido de jugar aunque si sea un tipico third person shooter.


Es lo mas cercano a tener una carrera con tus autos de juguetes solo que el juego de Ubisoft lo hace bastante bien para ofrecer un multijugador que destaca por lo divertido que es, trackmania es un juego de carreras de autos con actualizaciones trimestrales incluso despues de que el juego haya cumplido 2 años desde el lanzamiento de su remake del trackmania clasico, sin duda uno de los que mas recomiendo jugar aunque sea solo para probarlo.


Recuerdo hace muchos años cuando este juego estaba en boca de todos, creo que es uno de los primeros Hero Shooter que salio al mercado y quien iba a decir que seria uno de los generos mas consolidados de los ultimos años, si pudiese describir este juego diria que es como una partida de Counter Strike pero en el que podemos elegir persoajes con distintos poderes asi como tener tacticas con los poderes de nuestros compañeros, cada personaje tiene una forma de jugar distinta y eso funciona muy bien a la hora de darle variedad a cada partida.

Extra: Fortnite

No puedo cerrar un post sobre juegos gratis que merecen ser probados sin la sensacion mundial que ha sido Fortnite, ya desde el inicio se veia que el juego de Epic Games iba a ser una revolucion en todos los ambitos del videojuego pero lo que ha logrado con cada temporada sin apenas perder jugadores (mas bien los gana cada mes) es digno de al menos probar, es un shooter en tercera persona que tiene tintes de battle royale pero que ha sido construido de tal manera que tiene una infinidad de otros modos de juego que podemos jugar con amigos.

Espero que alguno de estos juegos te despierte la curiosidad y los pruebes, he recopilado algunos de los que en mi opinion son de lo mejor que se puede conseguir gratis pero me gustaria mucho saber de mas juegos que se puedan jugar sin gastar nada, me despido un saludo.


I've tried almost all of these games and you are so right about what you said. It makes me sad to spend money and not see the return. By the way @pusen started a new youtube channel and if you check his posts you can see that he also focuses on Free Gaming. Maybe you can find something that catches your attention.

By the way, my favorite is Fortnite.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for the recommendations. Some of these I've tried but I'm always looking for new games (or old) to play!


Ah, Paladins. I loved that game and even played competitively but there were so many downs that I had to leave! Maybe one day I'll decide to reinstall it and see how things are going.

 2 years ago  

El unreal tournament es un gran juego, es uno de los primeros que recuerdo haber jugado sola, habia una versión con muchos modos y muy sangriento, las armas son geniales

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