Spending my weekend in virtual reality! - Furality Umbra VR Convention

From the 6th to the 9th I've been spending most of my time in virtual reality!

I've been attending a furry convention held in virtual reality and it's been an absolute blast!

Among the various different themed meet-ups I've attended I've met a bunch of interesting people, made some friends and got to see some awesome stuff.

I also attended a fair few presentation events, mostly on the topic of VRChat avatar optimization since I've been dabbling in that over the past week. I actually quickly put together a custom avatar just for this even in only 2 days before to even started. haha I wasn't perfect so had to make a few tweaks here and there through out convention.

But overall it was very enjoyable, Sunday was the last day and I ended up staying up till 5AM Monday just to catch the closing ceremony. At the very end I was down to just my head set as my controllers and body trackers had all ran out of power. 8 Hours of VR will do that. haha.

I've got a collection of pictures I managed to remember to take on the last day.














In case you are wondering, In VRChat I'm a little floofy bird dragon thingy that looks like a strawberry. :D

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Sounds like an amazing experience! It's impressive you put together a custom avatar in just two days and managed to stay up until 5 AM for the closing ceremony. These pictures are so cool, I love them.

It was quite a battle staying awake.. At least I think I did, might have snuck some 5-10min naps in here and there and not noticed. haha

Lol. That must have been really stressful 😕