shmoogleosukami cross-posted this post in Hive Gaming 2 months ago

Where we're at, and what's coming

in VIMM.TV - Streaming2 months ago

Hello there! It's @ddrfr33k and @chiren. We had a conversation earlier tonight, and I wanted to fill you in on what's going on.

@chiren reached out to me to let me know that we were very short on this month's payment to our site host. Like, more than $200 USD short. Our revenues are down, and we're still trying to rebuild our funds from when we were knocked offline. Between the two of us, we were able to front the cash needed to keep the site online, but we definitely need your help going forward!

The best thing you can do is sign up for Vimm Premium. Premium gives you custom emotes in your live streams, access to VODs, no more ads on our site, and even configurable subscriber tiers. Each person that signs up for premium is helping us keep the lights on! Are you doing your part?


In addition, vote for our witness. The higher we sit on the ranking, the more blocks we get to process, which turns into larger rewards for us and you. Also, vote on your favorite streamers' posts. We take a portion of their post rewards to cover our costs. More upvotes means more rewards for them and us.

We really want to keep Vimm going, but there's only so much that we can do without your help. Every little bit helps, so please consider doing what you can to help us continue delivering a quality streaming site on the Hive blockchain!