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RE: A Combination of This and That

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Can't wait to see how everyone's strategies change. Those new abilities that do extra damage to higher mana cards or only attack every other turn but with double damage look amazing. I've only joined the game in recent months but I feel lucky to have started just in time to be here for the game's newest batch of cards.


Those new abilities that do extra damage to higher mana cards or only attack every other turn but with double damage look amazing.

Yeah, they are going to be interesting, as will scattershot that hits random cards. Strategy will change a lot.

 3 years ago  

I like that the game is evolving. Scattershot sounds like a fun ability that could potentially sway the tides of battle. I'm already imagining it maybe hitting a well-placed Creeping Ooze and removing an opponent's previously secure speed-boost.