
Significantly better in almost all ways. They took what worked, iterated on it and improved areas where things were a little clunky, and then added some new features that are really cool.

I can't recall if I show smithing in this or an upcoming vid and post, but being able to make weapons custom is so cool. You can't make armors, which is a shame, but weapons are a great start.

We also now have the ability to more directly influence what our kingdoms do, by spending our reputation to vote for war/peace and governance proposals - like "fiefdoms pass to children" which helps ensure that when your player kicks the bucket, your current fiefs are much more likely to pass to your heir.

I'm not sure how it'd play with a controller on PS5 but I suspect that'll be a fine way to play - there are not a ton of buttons that are necessary... so I imagine it'll be a really good console game.

I will look out for it. The old one was very unforgiving.., you lost a battle got flung in jail and your army was gone. Talk about hardcore! Is it the same?

Oh yes, they've still got that mechanic for sure. I think in my next episode which releases next week that happens to me actually. (Or maybe it'll be the ep in two weeks, I'm way ahead on recordings and it's hard to remember).

But yeah, in this you lose your army, and your retainers/companions, and MOST of your baggage items. They don't touch your personal gold though, and they have a mechanic where you can easily recall your companions this time just by clicking on a button to tell them to return to your party... so in that way it's a little more forgiving than prior games were.