[Straw Plays] DAVE THE DIVER - Weekend Gaming

in Hive Gaming8 months ago

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Well, today it was time for something different. Like I said in my previous posts, this weekend I was going to play something else. I've been meaning to do that for a while now but there haven't been too many great games around so I kept postponing it. In the end, I decided that I would just pick anything from Steam just so I could finally do it. Here it is, finally. Dave the Diver!

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I kept seeing this game on the Steam Top Seller list for a while now and the reviews were so good that I felt like I needed to try it out. It's also very different than what I usually play so that was also a good reason to go with it. It's actually super cool and I understand why the reviews are what they are.

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There is a ton of content in this game as you'll see in the video and probably even more stuff that I haven't gotten to yet. The management and fishing parts alone already offer so much to do. It's one of those games where you can chill out and just enjoy what's going on. A ton of laughs here and there and the artwork is cool too.

This will sadly be it for this weekend's special game though. Tomorrow I will return to the normal game due to not really having many other games at the moment. I'll try to find something good again for next weekend though. See you guys then!



It's a weekend game, man. It's a great game for you to kick back and relax. I've read about a few people playing this game on Hive Gaming before, but they didn't share a 1-hour gameplay video. I like the story of the game, even though they make Dave look a bit dumb XD

Haha yeah there's been tons of content around this game lately. It was a good way to relax over the weekend. It does make Dave look kinda dumb for sure and everyone is mean to him lol.

A good game at a time I love the visual section and despite being pixelated is seen to be very well worked the game, as they contain very cool cinematics, no wonder you say it is a work of art, in short a jewel that I discovered today thanks to your post happy day bro.

It looks real nice despite being pixelated yeah. It's very enjoyable like that. It's a good game with a ton of content.

Its nice that every now and then play one of those less serious or arcade types of games that does not require a lot of time commitment or doesnt feel like it would be a drag just to finish the game.

It was a very nice change of pace for sure. You can just kick back and catch some fish/serve people sushi haha. Good game!

I was playing this one a couple of weeks ago, very entertaining and the restaurant mini-game is addictive

Yeah it really is. Didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I did.

This is your first time playing the game and I love the good reviews I'm getting from you already
I'm sure you will enjoy it more and more

Tons and tons of work that definitely went into this game I am so sure of that

Of course it is true that the way you play fighting games is very different from what this game is, but it will give one a good experience as the reviews are good and you can play the game. It will be fun.